From Guest Blogger Lauren Williamson: Top Eco-friendly Methods of Waste Disposal

logoWith development, rising population, there is bound to be more waste generation. Proper waste management is crucial for keeping the environment from possible damage and saving it for our future generations.

Waste disposal doesn’t necessarily have to negatively impact the environment, with little changes, we can make a positive difference.

We talked to a service which offers garden waste removal in Ipswich to analyze certain eco-friendly methods of waste disposal. Here are some ways to manage the waste in an environmentally friendly manner:

Waste generation can be minimised through reuse

Being careful with what we dispose of can help create a major change. There are certain items in our household that can easily be put to use instead of being thrown away. Take, for instance, plastic ice cream containers or glass containers. You can easily use glass containers for growing plants. Ice cream containers can be used as storage boxes for small items like jewelry, coins etc. Reusing reduces the waste volume that ends up in landfill thereby reducing the negative impact on the environment. Reuse of items largely depends on how we separate waste at the point of origin. Once the waste is generated, separate the recyclable items, reusable items, and items that need to be thrown away.

Donate the items if you don’t wish to reuse them

In case you feel that you don’t want to keep reusable items at home, you can consider donating them. If the item is in good shape and not broken, it can easily be used by someone else. Remember, ‘one man’s waste is another man’s fortune’.

Compost the green waste

The waste from the garden which includes garden trimmings, branches etc can easily be used to form compost. For those who don’t do gardening themselves, it can be a bit of a hassle but it needn’t be a problem for those who are already familiar with gardening. Here are 5 DIY composting methods.


When it comes to eco-friendly waste management, the first thing that comes to mind is the practice of reducing, reuse and recycle. It won’t be wrong to say that this practice can actually help in eliminating a lot of waste that ends up in the landfill and ends up causing soil, water or air pollution. There are several items in your household waste that can be recycled. Whether it is plastic or glass, there are various ways by which rubbish removal companies recycle these products. Even the car parts of the old car can be recycled if you give them out to car removal companies. For example, the windshield of your car can come back to you in the form of a wine or beer glass. In fact, the plastic and metal components of a car are also recycled.

Generating energy from waste

Using waste to generate energy is another efficient method of dealing with waste. Various countries are switching to a sustainable model of waste management wherein waste is used to generate electricity which is further used to power residential and commercial operations. Generating energy from waste has two benefits, it not only reduces the negative impact of waste on the environment but also helps in creating jobs.


Adopting an eco-friendly approach for waste disposal can help benefit us and also the environment in a number of ways.

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