The Science of Climate Change Has Been Around a Long Time

21432786_10213148455039809_6063528944728423054_nThe image shown here is from a news article (not a scientific paper) on the connection between CO2 concentrations and climate change from 1912, the same year the Titanic sank.  Predating it by several decades were the first scientific studies on the subject.

At the time, of course, all this was more a curiosity that anything else; there were no observable phenomena that would serve to support the theory, and every reason to believe that this would never have practical bearing on the outcome of human civilization.  

Fast-forward a century and change, and now the theory of anthropogenic global warming based on carbon emissions is such a pressing issue that it’s being forcibly suppressed by the mainstream news media in the U.S.  With “wall to wall” coverage of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, there is virtually zero mention of the phenomenon that today’s scientists blame for making these storms far more frequent and severe than they otherwise would have been.

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2 comments on “The Science of Climate Change Has Been Around a Long Time
  1. marcopolo says:


    “forcibly suppressed by the mainstream news media ” !!??

    Not a day goes by without even the most trivial weather event being attributed to “climate/change-global warming” !

    The intensity of storms is just better (and more dramatically) reported that previously. In addition, damage is greater due to more people and more development.

    Think back to the great blizzards in NY history from 1888 to 2010, all very similar when adjustments for changes in locales and population are considered.

    • craigshields says:

      If you live in a certain media bubble, this is true. In fact, I live in a media bubble myself, though a different one than yours. The mainstream news, however, doesn’t handle it this way…at all. Please see: Yes, you’ll object that this is “Democracy Now.” Try to look beyond that and just watch/listen.