When’s the Best Time To Deal with Climate Change?

ClimateWomanDo you ever read an article that presents a certain set of assertions that are so noncontroversial that you’re left wondering what you learned and why you invested the time? 

Here’s a piece in Eco-Business that, to be fair, presents a great deal of good information on the effects of climate change in Asia, suggesting that parts of this continent will soon be experiencing an endless summer, and outlines the likely scenarios that will unfold, in the face of a business-as-usual approach.  The only thing that set me off about it is the line: “Experts say the longer the region waits to address it, the more destructive its effects will be.”

Maybe I’m too sensitive, but that’s a bit too condescending for my taste.  Is there any conceivable reader who doesn’t understand that without being told?  Are there people who think that the best way to deal with tooth decay or early detection of prostate cancer is to postpone treatment as long as possible, to forget about it, and hope it goes away?  Anyone that stupid is probably not reading Eco-Business.com.

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