Electric Bus Breaks a Record, But Who’s Impressed?

5340868470_3a4ce9b644Here’s an electric bus that has set the record for miles on a single charge.

The reader is supposed to believe that this is some sort of accomplishment, even though I personally could have stuffed a bus with a battery pack that weighs as much as the car I drive and costs as much as the house I’m living in, and driven it from here to Tierra Del Fuego (pictured).

Electric transportation and cleantech more generally actually do make sense, and much of what we’ve accomplished so far in these disciplines has been quite remarkable.  Now, we need to get honest, and stop promoting nonsense to people who can’t tell the difference.

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One comment on “Electric Bus Breaks a Record, But Who’s Impressed?
  1. Marcopolo says:


    You quite correctly identify a problem many advocates create when they enthuse about potential technology as if already established and commercially successful.

    The disappointment such hype creates does great harm to the credibility of clean tech.