Climate Change Hasn’t Ruined Your Life…Yet

171009071730-01-napa-county-wildfire-large-169When we examine phenomena like the Northern California wildfires and realize that tragedies like these are happening at a pace four times they were of half a century ago, we’re faced with some important decisions that are purely about right and wrong. I wasn’t injured or rendered homeless by those fires, and it’s a good bet that you weren’t either. Yet we both bear the moral responsibility to do what we can to prevent climate-related catastrophes from becoming even more commonplace than they are now.

If you’re an American, you live in a country whose leadership denies the basic science surrounding global warming. To put it succinctly, we need to get these people the hell out of here.

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One comment on “Climate Change Hasn’t Ruined Your Life…Yet
  1. marcopolo says:


    Like the Western US, Australia is also a nation where catastrophic wildfires occur.

    Blaming wildfires on “climate change” to acquire political or ideological advantage is neither helpful and disappointingly hurtful to the victims.

    Wild fires have occurred since the beginning of forests and grasslands. Long before the first anthropoids began to emerge.

    The reasons for catastrophic losses by human occupants lies not with “global Warming” but with rapidly expanding human occupation of wildfire prone areas,development, arsonists, etc.

    Human use of flora is not well managed, nor appreciated. Unfortunately, any sensible suggestions concerning wildfire management gets voted down by city and suburban dwellers who seem to posses an idealized perception of natural events and forest flora.

    Ranting on about “Global warming” is the latest in a long history of urban dwelling distractions preventing any real appreciation of minimizing the real causes of wildfire and instituting practical programs of containment.

    To paraphrase your own exhortation ” If your not part of the solution, then get the hell out ” !