From Guest Blogger Eileen O’Shanassay: How Climate Change Has Affected Flooding in the US

hurrican sandyClimate change is impacting the rate of storms, flooding, and other natural disasters in the United States and many other areas of the world. There has been an increase in extreme weather events over the last fifty years and scientists have attributed this change in climate to man-made causes such as pollution. Extreme weather comes at a cost to both people and the economy.
Winter Storms

Heavy snow fall has been occurring in more frequency since the 1950s. This can cause huge transportation problems, as well as loss of power to those regions affected in the US. Without power, people are unable to heat their homes. If people can’t leave their homes, they can’t get to work which results in loss of income and loss of productivity to the workplace and can directly impact the economy.


There are four types of flooding; flash floods, urban flooding, river flooding, and coastal flooding. Heavy downpours are becoming even more frequent with climate change, which leads to flash flooding and urban flooding. Even since 1991, the total amount of heavy downpours recorded in the US was well above average. Flooding can cause loss of homes and crops depending on the area that the flooding occurs. Today’s advanced home systems have been updated to alert homeowners to flooding and similar emergencies. Just another sign of how frequent flooding has become a problem in most areas.


The relative strength and number of hurricanes has been increasing over the years. As the temperature in the oceans increases, the intensity of the hurricane can also increase. This has led to more super storms in the last decade. With more intense hurricanes occurring, this has also caused more flooding in those regions affected. Flooding can be caused by heavy downpours or coastal flooding due to storm surges. This event also impacts the economy due to loss of jobs and homes. The government, through FEMA, helps these regions, but as more storms occur, the budget becomes tighter.

Climate change is occurring and causing problems all across the US. With the frequency and intensity of storms increasing, the impact to the US will also increase. There are ways to help reduce the impact of climate change, but it will still take time before the benefits can be seen. Homeowners need to be prepared in the event of a flood or other emergency. Make sure that you have adequate supplies available and a plan in place before an emergency occurs.

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