Fossil Fuel Alternatives

1402_2I often mention the “word of the day,” and how it often provides good subject matter for my mom and I to joke with one another.

I also subscribe to the Spanish word of the day at, in my ongoing effort to learn the language.  What I notice about this is the some days the word is one that comes up extremely seldom in conversation; yesterday, for instance, we had “la alcachofa” (artichoke).  Today’s word is much more useful: “ofrecer,” the verb to offer.

Most of the value of this exercise for me is translating each of the five or six sentences provided in which the word is used, and today, we had: Esta nueva tecnología ofrece alternativas al uso de los combustibles fósiles, or This new technology offers alternatives to the use of fossil fuels.

Far out.  Good to see that people everywhere recognize one on humankind’s central problems, and the urgency of developing solutions.  Sencillamente marvilloso; simply marvelous.

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