Surprise? EPA Cuts Enforcement on Polluters

Here’s news, if you can call it that, to the effect that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has greatly reduced its efforts to enforce regulations that affect corporate polluters.

This, of course, is exactly what we signed up for when we elected Trump. As terrible a person as he may be, and as great a danger to the world as he represents, we have to admit that he’s keeping a great number of the promises he made as a candidate.

Here’s an oversimplification of Trump’s record vis-a-vis campaign promises:

Destroy the environment in favor of corporate profits
Deport undocumented families
Persecute Muslims
Support white supremacy
Attack healthcare
Lower taxes on corporations and the rich
Attack federal programs that assist working class and poor Americans
Continue to attack Hilary Clinton

Protect consumers against abusive banking practices
Would work and and take few vacations
Would appoint qualified people to cabinet positions
Would limit US military aggression
Defend Medicare/Medicaid
Support LGBTQ community
Lower taxes on middle class and poor Americans

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2 comments on “Surprise? EPA Cuts Enforcement on Polluters
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    This is much in line with the study showing how well our leadership (both red and blue) responds to the will of the top 10% of income strata, and how purely they ignore the will of the lower 80%. As long as bribery reigns as king, we’ll suffer more and more beneath craven cowardice and vicious greed.