The Christmas Gift

Steady flows lead image 1 The cartoonist who created the work of art below seems to know something most of us have long since forgotten, and that something, if we are able to internalize it, may be the best Christmas present anyone could possibly receive. 

You don’t need a bigger car, a newer cell phone, or a trip to Rome.  The universe, and your existence within it, is perfect…just the way it is.


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5 comments on “The Christmas Gift
  1. marcopolo says:


    Cute philosophy, if more than a little twee !

    The reason my dogs are happy, is because for millennia dogs have relied on humans owners for protection, food, security, selective breeding, health, veterinary services, housing etc.

    Oh, and yeah I do need a new car, a newer cell phone, and I’d love a trip to Rome. My consumer spending keeps millions employed and the economy sufficiently prosperous to produce enough surplus to advance human knowledge and technology, including eradicating poverty.

    That, Craig is the difference between me and my dogs, I have greater responsibilities.
    Meeting those responsibilities, obligations and duties is what makes me happy.

    • craigshields says:

      Good point! I happen to be a “man lost between two shores.” (From this song: Seriously, what makes me happy is both a) aggressively trying to change the world for its and my betterment, and b) enjoying the world just the way it is.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Ah ha ! A fellow Neil Diamond fan 🙂

  3. Cameron Atwood says:

    I’m reminded of the prayer for wisdom to know what can and cannot be changed. Happy New Year!