Note on Immigration Reform

DUkMAkWWsAArmEBHere’s an astute and very fair note in response to my recent post The Solar Industry Takes a Hit, But It’s Not Alone from commenter “Wayne”: As a painter in Southern California for almost 40 years, I have witnessed an overwhelming invasion by illegal aliens in all segments of the trades that have clearly resulted in job losses and a stagnation of wages and nobody in some office can convince me otherwise. Nobody seemed to care about those jobs being lost except those affected, families and all.

I grant that this is a controversial issue, and that people in your position have suffered as a result of illegal immigration. No one denies that we need reform in this area.  From there, however, everything else is open to debate.

I would start by pointing out that there are many segments of the economy that are actually made stronger by the presence of illegal aliens, and that they are completely indispensable to U.S. agriculture.  In all, they contribute $11 billion annually to the economy, and I don’t think any of us wants to pay $20 for a carton of strawberries.

Even more importantly in my view, the debate needs to contemplate fairness and compassion. Deporting people who entered the country 30 years ago as infants who are now tax-paying professionals with spotless criminal records is among the most heartless and counter-productive ideas every brought forward in this country, and that’s really saying something.

I was amused to see that conservative columnist Ben Stein said the other day that DACA recipients entered the country illegally and are therefore criminals.  Yowza, Ben.  A three-month old infant is a criminal?  That really reasoning from hell.  How serious should we regard your viewpoints, when they’re based on such a profound level of stupidity?

But, of course, the issue is far larger than DACA recipients. U.S. policy in Central American over the last half century is one of the principal causes of the very violence and unrest that is causing people to flee to the U.S. for safety…and we think it’s OK to build a wall to keep them out? Sorry, that doesn’t work for me, and it shouldn’t for you either.

Elsewhere in your comment, you write: “It is a travesty and insult to be called a racist, ignorant and deplorable when you object to foreigners ignoring our laws to sneak into the country and then using our laws to stay.”  Needless to say, you are 100% correct, and the very last thing I would do is suggest that you and your views are racist.  Having said that:

• The vast majority of animus about illegal immigrants in this country is, in fact, racist.  If you doubt this, ask yourself why there is essentially zero outcry against the torrent of Russian women coming into the country to have babies here (who thereby become U.S. citizens); we just adore white people.


• The only reason this is a big deal for Trump is that it galvanizes support of his Type II* supporters, i.e., racists.

Trump is not an idiot, and he’s intensely good at what he does, i.e., demagoguery.


* Type I: Amoral wealthy people who recognize Trump is a terrible human being but don’t care

Type II: People too stupid to understand that Trump is a terrible human being, and/or so hateful they idolize him

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3 comments on “Note on Immigration Reform
  1. marcopolo says:


    I think Wayne’s comment deserves repeating in full,

    If you are concerned about jobs,the good news is that those 23,000 jobs to be lost will easily be replaced by the effects of illegal alien crackdown.
    As a painter in Southern California for almost 40 years , I have witnessed an overwhelming invasion by illegal aliens in all segments of the trades that have clearly resulted in job losses and a stagnation of wages and nobody in some office can convince me otherwise. Nobody seemed to care about those jobs being lost except those affected, families and all.
    It is a travesty and insult to be called a racist, ignorant and deplorable when you object to foreigners ignoring our laws to sneak into the country and then using our laws to stay. They have cost me money and created quite a resentment from a huge amount of Americans who have a common sense, basic understanding of justice. A civilized society cannot exist when people, citizens or not, can pick and choose which laws to ignore and obey! So if you are truly concerned about those 23,000 projected job losses, take heart, Trump is fixing that!

    In regards to climate change, I now have a hard time believing data or conclusions after observing corruption and power seeking tactics and tendencies of the left leaning crowd of which I used to be one of. I simply find myself immediately questioning any contentions they or main stream media may present weather it is true or otherwise- I certainly question the non believers as well. I simply don’t trust information presented much any more.

    Craig I believe your quote – “As usual, this directive is aimed at making ignorant people stand up and cheer their leader”- Well, No need to insult people who disagree with you.I am not ignorant (maybe not the smartest) or deplorable nor do I cheer the leader. The condescending, snobby, know it all attitude of the left towards Trump supporters probably turned off a lot of people. That along with the rampant illegal immigration is why we have the president we do. Easy- that is “What Happened”.

    That being said, Trump certainly can be an idiot, unlikable and at times makes himself hard to defend but I don’t care about his personality – just his policies not all of which I believe in but most.”

  2. marcopolo says:


    In your reply to Wayne, you repeated your assertion people who support the present administration are all either , Stupid, Rich, Terrible Human Beings Rabid Racists, or a combination of all the worst aspects of human life !

    Now, I don’t believe Wayne, or the other tens of millions of ordinary Trump supporters, deserve that sort of abuse from anyone, especially from people claiming the moral high ground.

    Nor is there any logic (just cunning snide political imagery) in claiming Russian women illegal migrants are not deported. The implication being the President secretly favours Russians, and especially East European women.

    In fact, the US deports all illegal migrants equally, regardless of origin .

    There is no ” torrent ” of Russian women giving birth in America, just some over exited media stories. The accumulated numbers measure in the hundred’s not thousands. Even if this were true, these women do not stay in the US, only 21 years later the child may apply to return to the US to claims US citizenship.

    Your accusation is gets even more ridiculous when you consider President Trump has long been against birthright citizenship, and you criticize him for that position.

    Craig, there’s a lot of fair and deserved criticism that can be leveled at this President, so why bother with all this vitrol and inaccurate abuse ?

    Why persist with disingenuous and rabidly erroneous accusations ? The President doesn’t “hate” or wish to deport “dreamers”, he is simply trying to force Congress to pass legislation to clarify their legal status. He can’t continue to extend a temporary Obama era “Presidential decree”. The decree is under challenge, and can’t survive in the Supreme Court ruling.

    The President doesn’t have the power to enact legislation ! The President and enough Republican members of Congress have stated their support for legislation, but it’s being blocked by the Democrats for dishonest political purpose. It’s the Democrats who are using the status of the unfortunate people for political purpose, not the President.

    Why is it that so hard for you to recognize ? Is your hatred for the President so great, you would continue repeating a lie, rather than join his bid to get the legislators to do the job they are elected to do ?

    Why will you not acknowledge it’s in the power of the Congressional Democrats to solve the problem ?

    I agree your assessment US policy in Central America has been appalling and disgraceful for over a century (more if you include Mexico), but then in the same breath you assert ” America used to be revered for its fair-mindedness and compassion before President Trump ” !

    Say What ?!

    Why continue with wildly inaccurate hyperbole ? It’s obviously counter-productive. After the President’s first year in office it’s become obvious the most extreme claims by the Presidents opponents just haven’t eventuated.

    The economy has improved not collapsed.
    Illegal migration has dropped
    Trade has improved
    Russia and Russian influence and ambitions have been successfully contained.
    Relations with China haven’t deteriorated, in fact realistically improved .
    Employment has improved
    Entanglement in Syria has been avoided, while limited objected have been successful.
    The US for the first time achieved real UN sanctions unanimously passed against North Korea
    The cost of the Federal government has been slashed.
    Tax reform passed
    The has been no mass flight of “liberals” fleeing America
    International capital investment have fled America, on the contrary it’s flowed back.
    The President has curtailed, not expanded Presidential power in favour of Congressional power.
    The President has kept his election promises.

    Despite all his inexperience and copious flaws, the more extreme predictions by the media and his opponents just haven’t occurred.

    I was in the audience at Davos when the US President made the closing speech. Even delegates to the WEF who oppose President Trump’s policies were impressed by the clarity and candour enunciated by the US President.

    With so much legitimate opposition available to the castigate President Trump, why continue with all this sensationalist nonsense ?

    Trump is a President with a mission. He’s not in power as the result of an ideological commitment to a political party or theory, nor is he a career politician. He understands at the end of the day, if he can say to the ordinary American voter “are you better off under my administration, do you feel better, prouder and more confident ? “, he’ll win.

    His objectives are becoming apparent. He’s intent on the Herculean task of refocusing the US position in the world from decaying supreme super-power to the most effective competitor among rival power blocks.

    Angela Merkel summed up Trump more astutely than most outside Asia when she said, ” It’s easy to make the mistake of judging Donald trump by his outbursts and media reporting. The US President surprised me with his capacity to listen intently and quickly grasp the essence of any issue. It’s when he’s listening, this President is a most effective opponent.”

    President Trump isn’t bound by any any political loyalties, no party ideology, he owes nothing to the rich (who didn’t back him) to lobbyists, the media or anyone. He sees no advantage in never changing his mind, agility and flexibility are the best qualities in business or as a market trader.

    The President is a man of his time. A time when the old doctrines and ideologies are no longer relevant. He’s an opportunist, but isn’t every politician ?

    He deliberately goads his opponents to froth at the mouth and become rabid in their opposition knowing in a race to the bottom, he’ll win !

    The vast majority of his supporter are not fringe dwelling white supremacists and other misfits, but thoughtful, intelligent, decent Americans like Wayne.

    It’s folks like Wayne who are the true Americans. As long as they believe in the President’s policies, the President is safe.

    The only way to win the good opinion of Wayne is to stop the torrent of invective, stop calling his stupid,racist and deplorable, stop shouting at him, listen to his grievances, understand his needs and aspirations for his nation, start talking to him, not at him, and put your own house in order.

    I’m not sure if you know, but I’d love to hear more from Wayne about ” Project Acclimate”, it sounds intriguing !

  3. Cameron Atwood says:

    mp – You state, “He understands at the end of the day, if he can say to the ordinary American voter ‘are you better off under my administration, do you feel better, prouder and more confident ?’, he’ll win.”

    Pity (or not) his unpopularity is historic in its dimensions…