There Are No More Apolitical Americans

27072592_10214598186205431_1686443729712916915_nAlong with all the damage it’s wrought, the Trump phenomenon has had a very positive effect on this country: it’s brought essentially all Americans out of the political closet.  At this point, virtually everyone here believes one of three things about the president:

• He’s is an honest man, successfully working hard to make America great again, restoring our true values and helping the middle class

• He’s a flawed individual, but his policies are on target

• He’s a sociopath, riding a wave of bigotry and ignorance, inflicting enormous damage and embarrassment on this once-great country on a daily basis

From the meme above, it’s fairly clear where U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg sits.  Of course, she could just be speaking hypothetically…..

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8 comments on “There Are No More Apolitical Americans
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    I’m more aligned with #3, except that I believe our nation’s greatness is far more in its potential than in its history.

  2. marcopolo says:


    But of course 84 year old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never actually used those words did she?

    Justice Ruth Ginsburg has been one of the most politically motivated (and openly biased) judges ever appoint to the US Supreme Court. The founding fathers envisaged a Supreme Court as a constitutional safeguard to protect the Constitution from the excesses of the legislative and executive branches of government.

    By convention the Supreme Court has always striven to rise above party or individual political political considerations for fear of jeopardizing the respect for the Court as an institution.

    On occasion the left leaning Ruth Ginsburg has sailed very close to the wind, and increasing recent comments are more suited to a politician than a Judge.

    Her leftist supporters may cheer and admire her political activism, but that’s regrettable. Losing the image of unbiased and impartial reputation of the Supreme Court would be a disaster for the institution’s authority.

    If Ginsburg wants a political career she should resign, and run for office.

    Like all components in any style of representative government system, there will be flaws. These flaws are the flaws in human office holders. It’s important legislators and Presidents think beyond politics and expediency when selecting a nominee, and concentrate on character and talent when filling a position that safeguards all Americans, from the excesses of political enthusiasms.

    • craigshields says:

      Regardless of her position as a Supreme Court justice, I think she has the right to express her opinion.

      • marcopolo says:


        Unfortunately, you don’t seem to grasp the the importance of Supreme Justices remaining above politics.

        These Justices are appointed for life. The reason for that tenure is to separate them from political influence as much as possible. The Supreme Court can’t create law, only interpret the US Constitution.

        Once Justices become identified as politically biased or activist, the value of the Supreme Court as a safeguard is lost.

        • craigshields says:

          Well then, write her a letter and inform her of her duties as a SCOTUS justice. Evidently she needs your help. How else will she learn about the workings of the U.S. government and the Constitution the underlies it?

          • marcopolo says:


            “A cat make look at a king”.

            Justice Ginsburg is a Judge, not a High Priestess. Judges of any court are suject to human passion and not beyond critiscm from even the most humble quarter.

            Judges of constitional reveiw give up the right to political activism when they accept office. That restriction is part of the condition for unelected life tenure.

            Frustrating as it may be, unless it’s directly relevent to a case before the court, Supreme Court judges must accept critiscm for citizens and politicians without entering the political fray.

            They have the satisfaction of simply outlasting any politician.

  3. Cameron Atwood says:

    Oh, yes, SCOTUS members should just shut up and toe the line. That phenomenon in the court’s majority is how we got the 5-4 Citizens United v. FEC ruling – which marcopolo stated he believes was “a great decision.”

  4. marcopolo says:


    Yes, it was a great decision, but then I support inclusive democratic representative government, not tailoring free expression to just those who agree with me or opinions fit my particular politics.. .