From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Home Energy Efficiency–Green Ways to Heat Your Home This Winter

Furnace-not-working-Clicking-Noice-Girl-in-cold-homeWith winter here, homeowners across the country are cranking up the heat to stay warm. Unfortunately, this often results in sky-high utility bills. There are ways to warm your home without consuming an excessive amount of energy, however, including the five methods listed below.

Plug Air Leaks

When heated air escapes your home, it creates a cooler environment while forcing your furnace or heat pump to consume more power in process. According to the Department of Energy (DOE), air leaks can waste up to 40 percent of the average home’s energy usage. Plugging these leaks with caulk, insulation or spray foam will keep your home warmer this winter.

Change the Air Filter

If the air filter in your home is older than 60 days, you should consider replacing it. As air passes through, the filter will catch dust, dirt, hair and other particulate matter. Over time, the buildup of this debris will restrict the flow of air and weaken the power of your home’s heating and cooling system. With a new filter, warm air will travel more freely throughout your home.

Light the Fireplace

Of course, you can also heat your home by lighting a fire. A fireplace is an excellent heating alternative to conventional furnaces and heat pumps. The only downside is that you have to supervise it at all times. Unsupervised fireplaces are a leading cause of residential fires in the United States. Nonetheless, if you have a quiet evening planned with your family, you can light a fire to stay warm.

Professional HVAC Tuneup

To improve the performance and efficiency of your home’s heating system, contact a professional heating, ventilating and cooling (HVAC) technician. HVAC companies like Alabama Climate Control will inspect your home’s heating system to ensure it’s working at optimal levels. They can even repair broken or damaged vents, allowing for increased airflow and better heating.

Upgrade to Double-Paned Windows

Finally, you can make your home energy efficient and reduce its heating costs by replacing single-pane windows with double-pane windows. As the name suggests, double-pane windows feature two individual panes of glass, which are separated by a layer of inert gas or air. This middle layer works to insulate your home, preventing thermal energy from escaping.

You don’t have to wear your coat indoors this winter. By following the tips here, you can stay warm and lower your home’s energy usage.

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