From Guest Blogger Hannah Whittenly: Four Things Your Business Probably Wastes Unnecessarily

nintchdbpict000372519872Many businesses waste thousands of dollars each year on unnecessary expenses. Reducing the amount of waste that your company generates is good for your bottom line. Here are some of the ways to resolve waste in the workplace:

Conserve Water Resources

Water is a valuable resource. Conserving it should be everyone’s responsibility. There are ways that you can cut down on water waste. Install toilets that use less water with every flush. Have sinks that turn off when no one is using them. An aerator installed on faucets will cut down on the amount of water that goes down the drain. Use a timer when watering your landscaping. Set it to turn on during the coolest part of the day. This way you will reduce the amount of water that you use each year. Some industries may benefit by using a wastewater recycling system.

Reduce Your Energy Usage

Changing out your old light bulbs with LED bulbs can reduce wasted energy. Installing motion sensors on your lights can also reduce the amount of waste at your company. Using window shades reduces the amount of temperature fluctuations that your offices will experience. This will save you money on your heating and cooling system. By examining your total energy usage, you can devise strategies on where to minimize waste. This will help to keep your business in the black.

Save Some Money

Invest in technology in order to cut down on your office supply usage. You can move to a paperless system by transitioning to the cloud. This will not only save you on purchasing paper supplies. You won’t need to be buy pens, highlighters, paperclips, and staples. This has a cascading effect on your budget. Using less office supplies reduces the amount of money that you spend purchasing them. It also saves you time having to order these supplies. Technology can be shared across multiple platforms. Your employees can be more productive focusing their efforts on the technology.

Cut Down on Paper Waste

Using less paper means that you are discarding less of it. Many companies are required to shred confidential material. Moving towards a paperless system means that there is less paper to shred. You may be able to not spend money for a shredding service. This helps to reduce the costs associated with your overhead. Cutting down on business waste means that you need to examine new ways that you do business. Technology allows you to track and monitor these areas. Less waste is good for the company and the customer.

There are lots of benefits to reducing the amount of waste at your company. You save some money, and are doing your part for the environment.

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