From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Four Reasons to Have an Environmental Assessment before Building Your Commercial Property

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAd1AAAAJGFlY2JiNDBlLTRlODktNGI5Yy04MDg0LWNhNzM2MzJmN2QxNgWith many steps to take throughout the construction process, adding one more item to the list may seem unnecessary and excessively costly. In many situations, an environmental assessment may not be necessary, but it can be inherently beneficial. For example, it could allow you to take preventive steps to ensure a quality end product or to avoid structural issues after the completion of the construction process. In some construction situations, this type of analysis may be required, and you may not easily see the benefits that it offers. These are some of the primary reasons why obtaining an environmental assessment before the construction process begins makes sense.

Erosion Plans

The lay of the land can tell you more about natural erosion processes on the property. Erosion and flowing water during heavy rain events can result in foundation issues, flooding inside the building and more. Through an erosion plan, you can better determine where to place the building and how to excavate the land before construction begins to minimize the impact of erosion.

Water and Wastewater Analysis

Another beneficial analytical report that you can receive through an environmental assessment is a water and wastewater analysis. This information tells you more about the exact location or possible locations of water and wastewater features. If any existing features are present, these will be properly identified and located through the assessment.

Ecological Risks

There are also ecological factors to consider before starting work on a construction site. For example, endangered species may be located on the property. This may be an important habitat for the animals or insects, and you may need to take special steps to protect them. This is just one of many types of ecological risks can be identified through an environmental assessment.

Engineering Analysis

An engineering analysis is another type of environmental assessment completed by companies like Geotech Testing Pty Ltd. This important analysis can give you information on excavations, retaining structures, ground improvement, settlement, consolidation and more. The information generated through this report is vital to many aspects of the construction process and to ensuring long-term structural integrity.

Keeping costs as low as possible while ensuring a high-quality end-product is a top priority. However, by investing in an environmental assessment before the construction process begins, you may actually be able to save money and potentially improve the end result. Speaking with a skilled expert can tell you more about the specific types of assessments that may be beneficial for your specific property and project.

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