From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Becoming Environmentally Conscientious–How to Help Your Community Be Green and Clean

MovementGetting the community together to help the environment may be one of the most meaningful tasks a person could undertake. If everyone works together to help conserve the planet, it may be here longer. Being humane and having high moral and ethical standards is an honest way to live and smart. Here are some ways to motivate the community to clean up.

Nature Clean-Up

Animals are less likely to ingest harmful litter by removing it from their environment. Small animals like skunks can easily be cut by sharp soda can edges. In their search for shelter or food, animals can harm themselves by getting their heads stuck in jars or plastic rings from soda cans. Birds can become prey to plastic bags humans leave outside by trapping themselves inside. The neighborhood is cleaner which makes it function more properly. Pass out flyers or get a group of friends together and go for a walk or hike on a nature trail. For large amounts of waste, consider MSG Waste & Salvage Inc. Place any relevant materials in the recycle bin to reduce air pollution too.

Community Gardening

Gardens are aesthetically pleasing and give off fresh oxygen. They provide a natural habitat and food source for animals and insects like birds, deer and butterflies. Plus they’ll have a useful place to hide from dangerous predators. Save money on produce normally bought at the grocery store. Trees and plants reduce noise pollution by absorbing harsh sounds. Water has bacteria and chemicals which plants naturally aid in removing. Distribute flyers or form a garden club, raise money and schedule a meeting.

Neighborhood Composting

Composting is a solid waste treatment in which oxygen is present where microorganisms break down organic material so it can be safely utilized for the environment. Composting reduces household wastes and acts as a natural fertilizer for organic farming and gardening. Harmful fertilizers can be poisonous to aquatic life by invading streams and rivers. First of all, become better educated on what composting is then start a community project. The team can be large or small. Composting is an inexpensive way to support the environment.

The earth is more precious than anyone even knows. It’s wise to be grateful for it and make it a top priority. Coming together to protect the environment and the animals that dwell in it is only ethical. Sometimes if someone wants something done they have to do it themselves.

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