From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Old Home? Five Ways to Detect That Your HVAC System is Energy Inefficient

COMFORT-woman-feeling-cold-near-radiator-shutterstock_180529322-3-e1480626827141Your HVAC, or Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system, is a vital part of your home. It keeps your property at a comfortable temperature and ensures that the air you breathe is safe. This, of course, depends on how efficient your HVAC system is. There are 5 ways to detect whether or not the system is energy efficient.

Bills Are Higher

Probably the first way to know whether or not your HVAC is efficient is to look at your energy bill each month. If it begins increasing without a reason, this can tell you that the HVAC system is not working as it should. If you are not sure what the energy bill should be averaging, doing a bit of research can give you this information.

Peculiar Noises

If you begin to hear noises that are different from the usual ones coming from your HVAC system, this could be a sign that it is not functioning as it should. There could be loose cables or fittings that are making it inefficient, and it will probably require a call to an expert. Many companies like Robison Air have 24 hour emergency services that can help you.

Ice Build-Up

If you start seeing ice on the compressor of your air conditioner, it is not working correctly. It can mean something as easy to fix as replacing the filter, but it can also be a symptom of a larger problem with the HVAC system.


Something else to watch out for is leaking. When an air conditioner or heating unit is not working as it should be, it can many times begin leaking water. Not only does this make the unit less efficient, but it can also be dangerous and damaging to your property. If you see leaking, it is time to call an expert.

Takes Longer

If the HVAC unit takes longer than it used to to heat up water or to cool a room then you know it is not as efficient as it used to be. This can end up costing you more money in electricity and can be a hassle. As soon as you start noticing this, call a company that specializes in HVAC repairs.

These are the 5 most important ways to detect if your HVAC system is working. By being vigilant and knowing who to call when it is time for repairs, you will end up saving yourself a lot of trouble and even money. Whether you have heard strange noises or have noticed an increase in your energy bill, contact an expert for help.

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