Students Risk Punishment for Joining Gun Control Protests

image001Imagine you’re a high school administrator.  The children in your charge are miffed that their schools have become killing fields, but that anger pales in comparison to the rage they feel that the grownups charged with the duty to keep them safe are so corrupt that they refuse to take the obvious steps to protect them.  They look around and see a broken government, one in which big money has so deeply corrupted their so-called leaders that, without intervention, these kids will be sent back to the same blood-soaked institutions where the carnage is occurring.

On top of that, these kids have been told all their lives that they live in a democracy, and that they gave God-given rights that include the right to life.  They actually believed that this meant something, but now they see that this is a meaningless platitude, and they’ve taken to the streets.

What do you do about that?

Sure you can punish them, a decision that has gained some traction, thus teaching them a good lesson in what they just found out.  A) You don’t give a whit about them and their safety, and B) This ostensible democracy is just words on a piece of 240-year-old paper that is totally devoid of value and meaning.

If it were I making the call, I’d be saying, “Road trip! Pack your stuff; we’ve going to Washington.”  I’d have buses gassed up and painted, materials for signs put on board, drivers hired, and coolers full of sandwiches loaded in the storage bays.

“Bus leaves tomorrow morning at seven. Parents welcome. For the next few days, we won’t be doing much math, but we’ll be doing a hell of a lot of social studies. We won’t be reading about U.S. history; we’ll be writing it.

“We’ll be returning as soon as we’ve all learned, me included, what it really means to be an American, and to be protected by a working constitution.”

School administrators, just like parents and coaches, are constantly looking for “teachable moments.”  They’ll never find a better opportunity than this one.


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One comment on “Students Risk Punishment for Joining Gun Control Protests
  1. marcopolo says:


    Your hysterical rant reminds me of all those little revolutionary groups of extremists in the 60 and 70″s, each claiming to represent “the people”, but in fact only represent their own misanthropic delusions.

    The congress is not corrupt (well, no more so than usual) and the US Constitution is one of America’s most inspired achievements.

    The deaths of school children at the hands of individual (often mentally deranged ) malcontents is a very complex problem, not easily solved and certainly not by politically motivated misuse of children by adult using the issue to pursue their own covert agenda.

    The problem needs calm, careful, objective study by rational experts and responsible policy makers, not the immature screaming of extremists manipulating school children and adding to fear and trauma by whipping up anxiety for their own covert purposes.