Political Satirist Andy Borowitz Is in a Class By Himself

Borowitz-Putin-Concedes-Defeat-Pennsylvania-Special-ElectionLike a lot of people, I stand in awe of extremely talented people, be they athletes, musicians, or astrophysicists.

Now, I would submit that “standing in awe” is a positive emotion.  However, I have to confess that a few people make me feel downright inadequate, and one of those is The New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz.

I honestly don’t know how he does it.  Day after day, his satires on current events leave me howling with laughter.

What follows here is the beginning of a mock news article on the results of yesterday’s special election in Pennsylvania in which Republican Rick Saccone lost; the contest was viewed as a referendum on Trump, since the president had carried that district by 16 percentage points just 18 months ago.

MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Calling the result “close but no cigar,” Vladimir Putin has conceded defeat in Tuesday night’s special congressional election in Pennsylvania.

Speaking to reporters at the Kremlin, Putin thanked the many Russian campaign workers who tried but failed to propel the Republican candidate, Rick Saccone, into the winner’s circle.

“Our social-media trolls did some of their finest work to put Rick over the top, but, in the final analysis, we were a day late and a ruble short,” the Russian President said.


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