From Guest Blogger Delicia Warren: How To Make Your Home More Sustainable And Save Money

images (3)Making your home more sustainable won’t just reduce your ecological footprint: it will also save you cash. Rising food and power bills can adversely affect households, which is why getting back in touch with nature will pay dividends. Let’s find out some simple ways to go about it.

  1. Swap Your Blubs

Ever touched an old-fashioned bulb and noticed how hot it gets? These bulbs waste up to 90% of their energy as heat. If you are using traditional bulbs in your home, then it’s time for a change. By switching to LED bulbs, you can benefit both the environment and your power bill. They use up to 75% less power and have a much greater lifespan.

  1. Check The Energy Star Ratings On Your Appliances

Before investing in a new fridge, freezer, or other major appliance, make sure you consider the energy rating. Aim for items with 4+ stars.  Remember, an appliance such as a fridge will be running 24/7, so even a one-star difference can add up to the months’ pass.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid Of Cold Water

Hot water usage leaves a big environmental footprint and jacks up power bills. During summer, consider making the switch to cold (or lukewarm) showers.

When using the washing machine, don’t be afraid of doing a cold wash rather than a hot one. In fact, hot water can shrink and damage clothes.

  1. Go Easy On The Washing Machine And Dryer

While we are on the subject of washing machines, you should be aware that they are one of the most high-energy appliances in your home. Consider reducing their cycle length as well. 50-60 minute cycles are overkill. 30-40 minutes will do fine.

Now, what’s typically the number one culprit for energy consumption: the dryer. If you have one, then try only to use it in the wet months when you simply have no choice.

  1. Grow Your Own Food

Gardening is a great pastime that will help you save on your grocery bills and get in tune with nature. So, find a nice patch of soil and start growing some herbs and vegetables. These fresh nutrients will be perfect for the kitchen. Preparedness Mama is a good resource for inspiring gardeners.

  1. Be Diligent About Turning Stuff Off

Computer and TV screens are often overlooked when it comes to saving power. Do yourself a favor and simply put your laptop to sleep when you’re not using it.

When going to bed, do a quick check of your home to assure everything is shut down for the night.

Some items will still leech away at electricity when they are turned off. Consider unplugging appliances and multi boards before going to bed.


Don’t put things off until tomorrow. Every day you wait hurts both the environment and your bank account. So concentrate on optimizing your home one step at a time. You could start right now by replacing your bulbs or beginning a garden.


 – Delicia Warren is a freelance writer, passionate about the environment, organic farming and food production. An advocate for a holistic approach to the world’s problems, she has a particular interest in the small changes individuals can make to their lifestyle to minimize their environmental footprint.

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