When the Stakes for Our Civilization Are High, The Pope Is Never Far Away

29594432_10156881049837908_3961284331257450798_nThe March for Life and the debate over gun control is part of a much larger phenomenon that defines the zeitgeist of this phase in American history, which could be summed up as, “We Call BS.” People of conscience, young and old alike (though mostly young), are simply refusing to let this country disintegrate into mayhem that consists of gun violence, bigotry, misogyny, ignorance, racial injustice, radical income inequality, and perpetual war.   

In the absence of “We Call BS,” it’s very clear where this whole thing is heading–and moving in that direction at an ever-accelerating pace:

• Trump is desperately trying to convince Americans that the entirety of the federal law enforcement and intelligence community is conspiring with the mass media to illegally remove him from office; he’s working hard to delegitimize all independent agencies that could question his actions and challenge his power.

• The NRA is using the choke-hold it has over Congress to push weapons of war as a solution to gun violence until our burying a few dozen of our children is such a routine activity that it hardly makes the nightly news.

• The rollback on environmental regulations continues until toxic chemicals once again threaten the health and safety of all Americans, and any hope to arrest climate change is united-states-right-wing-terrorism-2015-6-24dashed forever.

• Tensions with Iran and North Korea result in war–possibly a war to end all wars (because it ends our civilization).

• Abortion rights are gone, public schools are ruined, the DACA recipients are all deported, black people are so terrified of the police that they can’t go out at night, white supremacy is legitimized, trade wars put a stranglehold on the economy, and dozens of other horrors become so commonplace in this nation that it’s hard even to remember how great it used to be.

Again, we call BS. Will we be successful in turning this around before it’s too late? Nobody knows, but that’s no reason not to fight back.  Good people stand up for what’s right….simply because it’s right; they don’t need an additional incentive.

And, do you know who (quite predictably) joins us?  (Actually leads us would be better.)  The Pope.

Who doesn’t love this guy? Check out that quote above. The man is inspiration incarnate.

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4 comments on “When the Stakes for Our Civilization Are High, The Pope Is Never Far Away
  1. marcopolo says:


    Remember, it was the young who marched enthusiastically as NAZI’s to smash the Weimer Republic, and moderate dissent.

    It was also the young, especially students, who perpetrated the horrors of Mao’s hysterical “Cultural Revolution”. The most distinctive aspect of Pol Pot’s horrific regime was the youth of the perpetrators.

    The President has a right, and a certain amount of emerging evidence, to back his claims of bias and improper partisan political meddling by some senior members of the FBI and intelligence community. Just because you don’t like the President or his policies doesn’t excuse those actions, or the perpetrators. No one ever claimed all 34,768 FBI employees were complicit, that’s just you trying to excuse the inexcusable.

    A war against North Korea, wouldn’t “end civilization” ! That’s just absurd ! It would be very destructive for the Korean Peninsula, but that may become the price for removing the danger of greater destruction. Craven acquiescence and “appeasement” only results in greater bloodshed.

    The NRA doesn’t have a “choke-hold over Congress” , the American people want the killings to stop, but have no interest in gun reform. Congress only reflect the wishes of the voters.

    You invent conspiracies and wild exaggerations to explain why people don’t agree with your idea’s and opinions. This is the great flaw in leftist, and all extremist, agenda. Such ideas are attractive to the young and naive, because they’re exciting and it’s natural for the young to rebel against the status quo.

    I think if you bothered to examine all the teachings of the current Roman Pontiff you may find he’s not so lovable.

    • craigshields says:

      I’m sure you’re aware that I’m not the only one who fears WW III, based on the proxy war in Syria and the hostility with Iran.

      Yes, kids have done some bad things in the past, and probably will in the future. Irrelevant as that may be.

      You write: “The American people want the killings to stop, but have no interest in gun reform. This is COMPLETELY incorrect. Please see me other comment.

      Then you write: “Congress only reflect the wishes of the voters.” That’s SO incorrect it’s laughable. I don’t think you could find a person out of 20 who believes that. Please see: http://www.2greenenergy.com/2015/12/18/us-political-system/, especially:

      • A study from Princeton University shows an almost 100% correlation between Congressional votes and the interests of these Top 100.

      • The same study shows that the decisions that Congress makes on the variety of issues are completely independent of the will of the people. Whether 20%, 40%, 60%, or 80% of the electorate supports a certain subject, this has no statistical bearing whatsoever on how the Senate and the House will vote on the matter.

  2. marcopolo says:


    ” “The American people want the killings to stop, but have no interest in gun reform”

    this is borne out by not one, but hundreds of studies as I have previously posted.

    Again, like all polls, it depends when, and what question the pollster asks. Immediately after a mass shooting, the polls will reflect an emotive reaction by people saying what the think they should say at that time. One year later at election time the mood evaporates.

    Some issues, such as background checks have increased in support, especially after incident like the Sandy Hook massacre

    However, even after the recent shootings most polls reflect the view only 38 percent of voters believe stricter gun control would reduce gun violence in schools,while 34 percent say metal detectors would do more and 20 percent say armed teachers are the answer.

    In the end, only one poll counts, an election ! In an election, people can express themselves with a secret ballot, they can act without fear of opprobrium.

    Politicians are like sharks, not hard wired to suicide! A politician can’t get elected by secret ballot if they continually ignore the views of the majority of electors.

    The Princeton studies were an exercise in academic futility. If Princeton were correct, no sitting politician would keep their seat.

    The faulty logic of the Princeton academics is believing in what people say in polls, including all polled opinions as equal, despite a high percentage of non-voters, and not allowing for inconsistencies.

    I realize it’s very frustrating when you believe in something and the polls say one thing, but the elected legislator acts differently. It’s only natural to look for a scapegoat, some sinister force operating behind the scenes, when really all that’s happening is the elected politician knows what’s in the heart of his electors, better than pollsters.

    • marcopolo says:


      Oh, and hey, “trade wars put a stranglehold on the economy” ?? WTF ? The usual effete huffing and puffing from the EU, has been completely overshadowed by Trump’s hugely successful trade deal just concluded with South Korea 🙂

      India, Japan and China have all indicated grumbling acceptance, (despite Trump’s strong ( and principled) stand on increasing support for the Republic of China (Taiwan).

      As for World War Three, where on earth do you get that idea ? To conduct a World War, the belligerents must consist of large groupings of competing powers bound by military alliances.

      Iran and North Korea are fairly insignificant lone states lacking and real allies, and surrounded by hungry wolves. Both have regimes holding power through totalitarian oppression and little military logistical capacity to sustain a military campaign beyond a few weeks.

      World War Three ? Absurd !