From Guest Blogger Hannah Whittenly: Save the World from Home with These Four Energy-Saving Tips

You can make your home more environmentally friendly by decreasing your energy use. In addition to helping the planet, you’ll be saving money when you rely less on electrical power and other energy sources. These four energy-saving tips can be applied to your household.

Layer Up!

Wearing more layers of clothing will make it possible for you to reduce your energy use on cold days. By wearing robes, jumpers and slippers around the home, you won’t have to rely as much on your heater to stay warm. Wrapping yourself in a blanket while reading or watching TV is another great way to beat the cold. A hat can help you retain even more body heat. If it’s especially cold inside your home, you can try wearing gloves or other types of hand warmers.

Reduce Your Water Temperature

Your hot water temperature may be set higher than it needs to be. The Alliance to Save Energy states that your hot water should be set to 130 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s best to check the temperature setting regularly to make sure that it stays at the recommended reading. You can save even more energy and money by wrapping your water tank in a special type of blanket to keep heat from escaping. Many of these types of blankets are made of fiberglass and can be used for gas and electric water heaters.

Perform All Necessary Home Repairs

Making repairs around the home can give your building better insulation and prevent energy waste. Windows and doors should have the proper sealing around their edges. Adding more insulation material in your attic and other spaces around your home can also make a difference. You might even want to consider having your old windows replaced with energy-efficient ones. You should also have any necessary home furnace replacement or repair services performed to stop energy loss.

Be More Energy-Efficient in the Kitchen

You can conserve energy by changing some of the ways you conduct yourself in the kitchen. After you’ve finished a meal, place all dishes in the dishwasher instead of rinsing them in the sink beforehand to save on hot water. By keeping your refrigerator and freezer fully stocked with food, you’ll be using less energy. You can even try preparing multiple meals in your oven and saving some of the food for leftovers so that you won’t have to use your oven as much. Even the heat that’s generated from cooking can often be used in place of your heater to keep your home warm.

Finding ways to cut down on energy use can make a huge difference. A few simple changes can turn your home into a much greener environment.

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