It Features Wireless Charging, But Perhaps Not in the Way You Envisioned It

97-98_Ford_ExpeditionI just had an amusing experience that I thought I’d share.  Here’s an ad for an SUV that offers “wireless charging, no strings attached.”  Naturally, I thought to myself: “Cool, an EV that features inductive charging; I knew we’d get there someday.”

No, it’s a 5500-pound, Up-To-17-City-MPG Ford Expedition that let’s you charge your cell phone (0.005 KWhrs) without a cord.  That’s quite a feature, isn’t it?  You’ll be wrecking the planet and aggressively transferring what’s left of your wealth to the oil companies, but at least you won’t have to plug in your phone.

You have to give credit to the makers of these ads: they have a really solid understanding of the raw stupidity of their audience.

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One comment on “It Features Wireless Charging, But Perhaps Not in the Way You Envisioned It
  1. marcopolo says:


    ” EV that features inductive charging, I knew we’d get there someday ”

    It’s my pleasure to inform you inductive charging has been available for several years !

    Liberty of the UK were the first, followed by Nissan Leaf in 2014, Tesla in 2016 and Mercedes this year.The BMW 530e can be wireless charged in about 3.5 hours at 3.2kW of power, although not yet available in the USA.

    In the US there are quite a number of firms offering manufacturer approved after market wireless charging products, the Evatran Group makers of ‘Plugless’ wireless energy transfer products, WiTricity, with DRIVE 11,and several others.

    The future is already here !