This Is What a Civil War Looks LIke

flynn-manafort-gates-papadopoulosWhat would happen if the Mueller investigation unearths ironclad evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of the president, and Congress impeaches him as a result?  I’m not saying how likely that is, though whatever probability one would assign is going to increase considerably after the midterm elections in November.  In any case, we all have to admit that this is a real possibility.

Many people have predicted that such an event would be occasioned by an eruption of considerable violence.  In fact, Roger Stone, former Trump campaign advisor and personal friend of the president, says that if Congress votes to impeach President Donald Trump, there will be all-out Civil War in the U.S.

Nor is Stone and the impeachment issue the only potential cause of a civil war.  Some of the more ardent gun rights advocates see the increasing pressure to pose restrictions on the ownership and use of fire arms, e.g., universal background checks or bans on assault weapons, as provocation for an armed uprising.  In fact, here’s a video of a gentleman, one Frank Espinoza, maxresdefault (13)who asks, “Do you want to see what a civil war looks like?” before answering his own question with the rapid-fire unloading of a semiautomatic refine into a picture of David Hogg, one of the gun control spokespersons from Parkland, FL.

Espinoza needs a more realistic understanding of what an actual civil war would look like: a few thousand hateful, ignorant turds, just like him, running into 1.1 million members of U.S. law enforcement agencies, supported as necessary by another 1.3 million uniformed people in the military, whose smaller weapons are shown at right.  Unlike the U.S. Civil War that took five years to run its course, this one will be over in about 15 minutes.




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One comment on “This Is What a Civil War Looks LIke
  1. marcopolo says:


    Calm down, stop salivating at the thought of law enforcement agencies, paramilitary and military brutally suppressing and eliminating those folk you describe as ” hateful, ignorant turds “!

    Relax, the legal process will eventually grind to an inevitable conclusion and all the principle players will adhere to the any evidence uncovered. Roger Stone’s hysterical and absurdly inflammatory remarks are just that, an over-the-top reaction to equally hysterical anti-trump hyperbole.

    Today, the US President displayed how well he can marshal support among allies and act in unison, unafraid of Russian retaliatory threats.

    The action taken in Syria should serve to dispel the always erroneous concept that President Trump has any illicit quid pro quo arrangements with Putin.

    The manner in which the Mueller is being conducted, coupled with the very strange content of the book by James Comey reveals an overly politicized, and inappropriate FBI culture within the upper ranks of the FBI.

    As I wrote before, Robert Mueller must be conscious of the harm done by turning his investigation into a seemingly politically biased “Get Trump at any cost” campaign.

    If this becomes the perception, and the FBI, Robert Mueller etc are seen to be acting in a manner more reminiscent of a second rate G-man or Robert Ludlum movie than responsible, impartial officials, the reputation and public faith in these institutions will
    be diminished for decades resulting in even more bitter divisions within US society.

    James Comey states in his book he equated the election of Donald Trump as the equivalent of a Mafia Don. He based his emotive judgement on his loyalty to the Obama admistration and his resentment of Donald Trump’s “style”.

    What he doesn’t seem to understand is his duty as a government official. It’s not his place to decide on whether or not Donald Trump is a suitable President, that right is not even possessed by Congress.

    The Constitution reserves judgment on the President suitability to US voters via the ballot box.

    The American people will wreak electoral annihilation on members of Congress who unfairly attempt to impeach a sitting President for short term political gain.