From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Business Energy Efficiency–How Modern Technology is Playing a Role

shutterstock_98501063In order to increase the appearance and profits of your business, becoming more energy efficient is the way to go. Technology is making this easier for many types of businesses. Having an energy saving strategy will help your business save money, and work towards reducing your carbon footprint. Here are some of the ways that technology is playing a role in energy conservation.


Renewable Energy Sources

Solar panels can be installed on the roof tops of many businesses. Some of these panels are even smaller and more efficient than their older counterparts. This can allow you to easily install solar panels on the roof of your building. You can generate much of your own electricity, and work to reduce your cooling costs during the summer.


Tech Toys to Help

There are power disrupters that can be installed to turn off the flow of electricity to devices that aren’t in use. This can reduce the amount of wasted energy for things that aren’t actively using the electricity. In some industries, it may be beneficial to install an AC current switch. This little switch converts your power source into a more usable form. You can customize it to match the energy needs of your business. It can make your energy usage more efficient for your equipment.


Improved Lighting Options

Led light bulbs are reducing the amount of energy that’s consumed while still providing the same amount of light to your employees. They also last longer so that there is less waste that’s going to the landfill. Changing out your old light bulbs can save you a significant amount of money on your monthly electric bill.


Efficient Heating and Cooling

Having your HVAC unit serviced regularly can cut down on the amount of energy that’s required to heat and cool your business. You can pair a more energy efficient unit with new technology, such as the solar panels on the roof. The sun isn’t as readily absorbed into the roof of your building during the heat of the day. This can reduce how much energy is consumed maintaining the temperature in the building. A roof top garden can also reduce your overall energy usage.


You have several options when it comes to reducing the amount of energy that your business consumes each year. It’s the responsible thing to do for the planet. It also works to improve the image that you present to your customers. You can advertise that you’re an eco-friendly business.

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