From Guest Blogger Hannah Thomas: Seven Ways to Keep Your House Cool Without AC

200572511-001-e13082363858841Summer brings a unique feeling of ease and good mood. It is a beautiful season of abundance when we enjoy fresh fruit, dress lightly and feel great. There is a sense of freedom and promise of many great pleasures in every summer day, unlike any other time of the year. However, our romanticized idea of the summer easily dies out the moment we began to sweat. Cooling down on hot summer days can be a challenge, not to mention that it can get quite expensive too. To make sure you don’t drain your wallet this summer by keeping the AC perpetually on, consider these somewhat obvious yet really useful tips on how to keep your home cool without AC.

Fans are back

Although fans may seem obsolete when compared to AC, it is time to turn them on again. Moving air from the fan lowers the body temperature and decreases perspiration. Make a DIY air conditioner by placing a bowl of ice in front a fan. The air from the fan that runs over the ice will instantly cool down the room. Also, turn on the ceiling fans and spin them in a counter-clockwise direction. This way ceiling fan will push the air down and create a refreshing breeze.

Cool your body

The unbearable feeling of being hot comes from our body, not the house. Make sure to control your body temperature by constantly hydrating and sipping cold drinks. Although cold beer seems like a great idea on a hot summer day, keep in mind that alcohol raises body temperature, so stick to water, juices and ice tea. Put wet and cold cloths on your neck and wrists to lower your body temperature. Shower with cold water, whether to cool down or to wash away the sweat. It will feel fabulous.

Shut the doors

Assuming you have managed to cool down the room, shut the unused doors and prevent the circulation of hot air from other areas in the house. In the evening, open the doors again but include windows too to create a flow of fresh cool air.

Darken the room

Natural light gives off the heat, so make sure to darken the room during the hottest part of the day. Shut the windows, keep the blinds closed and cover them with some heavy curtains. Professionals from Oztech suggest you invest in simple add-ons like shutters that are quite effective as heat and cold insulator. Not only you will lower the indoor temperature during the summer, but you will lower the heating bills during the colder months.

Turn of the appliances

Home appliances tend to generate a lot of heat, especially computers and TV. When not using them, turn them off. Needless to mention, but still, avoid cooking and using the oven during the day. Plan your meals for the next few days, cook in the evening and freeze the food. The washer can also give off heat, set the washing machine to work during the night. And, by all means, avoid ironing.  

Choose the right clothes and fabrics

Wear short sleeves and shorts whenever possible. Use light and cool fabrics like silky materials or cotton. Apply the same rule for bed linen and throw some sheets over the sofas and couches if you feel hot or itchy while sitting there. Also, try cooling some of your bed linen in the fridge before going to bed because it will make the warm nights more pleasant.

Opt for lasting solutions

Investing some time and money in planting trees around the house is the most effective way to keep cool during the hot summer days. Not only you will save money and energy on cooling your home, but you will improve the air quality and significantly raise your property value. In addition to that, you can grow climbing vines on the external walls to create another natural form of insulation.


It is no secret that air conditioning is harmful to both, planet and people. AC releases chemicals that are part of the greenhouse gases that lead to damage to the ozone layer. Additionally, the air filters in the AC often allow harmful chemicals and gases to come into our homes, causing allergies and other health problems. Cooling your home in an old-fashioned way is a responsible eco-friendly act that saves money and improves your health.

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