From Guest Blogger Dylan Moskowitz: Three Ways To Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Portrait of a young woman in waiting area, smiling

How do I make my business more energy efficient and profitable? This particular question is one that dominates the minds of many business people. Basic tasks, such as turning off lights and using energy efficient power sources can help. However, have you ever tracked your water usage during regular business operations? In this article, I have listed three ways to save water and to make your business more environmentally friendly.

Educate your staff

One of the most time effective and efficient ways to conserve water usage is to educate your staff on the importance of being aware of their water consumption. Observe the process of how your staff usually works. Do not interfere because you want to see where the source of the problem is located. After you observe the issue, do not hesitate to retrain your staff quickly. If you would like, offer free educational tools to your staff about water conservation. By educating your employees, they will become better workers and it will improve workflow output.

Examine your cooking process

To further examine water conservation, it is also important to evaluate your cooking process. Some questions to ask yourself are what foods am I preparing? How are those purchased foods currently being stored? What cooking appliances am I currently using? By knowing the answers to these questions, you will have a greater understanding of how your water consumption is distributed. According to a study by the Environmental Protection Agency, over 50% of water used in restaurants is found in the kitchen. Talk about a huge expense just to maintain one part of your business! Instead, why don’t you invest in a more energy efficient cooker? According to Dar Pro Solutions, a conventional cooker uses over 100,000 gallons of water per year. Therefore, why don’t you invest in a product , such as this steamer by Sterling Manufacturing? A few amazing features is that it uses less than 1 gallon of water per hour and it is easy to clean.

Install an eco-friendly sink system in your kitchen

One last method that makes your  business more eco-friendly is installing an eco-friendly sink system in your workplace. As reported by the Sacramento Bee, eco-friendly sink systems saves 3.5 gallons each minute the sink system is used.

The manners mentioned in this article to conserve water are some of the many ways to decrease your water consumption for your business. Take care of the environment. We only have one.

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