Portugal Selling Off Renewable Energy, As It’s Generating More Than It Can Consume

Portugal-female-fans-GettyImages-541075298_masterIt seems that each week we get word that another country or major city has kicked the habit…the fossil fuel habit, that is.

Here we have news that, in March, Portugal’s monthly renewable energy production in March exceeded its power demand; renewables, mostly hydro (55%) and wind (42%), accounted for a total of 103.6% of mainland electricity consumption.   The same report revealed that this trend is expected to continue, leading to the decommissioning of all coal and natural gas plants be 2040.

“Last month’s achievement is an example of what will happen more frequently in the near future. It is expected that by 2040 the production of renewable electricity will be able to guarantee, in a cost-effective way, the total annual electricity consumption of mainland Portugal,” the report said.
Cool video on the subject here.


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One comment on “Portugal Selling Off Renewable Energy, As It’s Generating More Than It Can Consume
  1. marcopolo says:


    I really appreciate (and share) your choice of pictorial aids 🙂

    However, c’mon,.. even a Wind super-enthusiast like yourself must appreciate the incongruity of trying to extrapolate energy produced in very unusual circumstances in a small country with ideal conditions to other less favoured locals.

    Some factors to consider before rejoicing :-

    1) March saw Portugal receive four times the average monthly rainfall thereby ending a long and severe drought in the country. The rain refille dams and reservoirs to over 80% allowing massive surplus Hydro power production. Just one year earlier, amid the long drought renewables accounted for only 6 % of electricity production .

    2) Portugal’s electricity prices are among the highest in the EU.