U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May Have a New Administrator Soon

scott-pruittI’m sure I’m not the only one looking forward to hearing how things are going for EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt as Congress grills him about his numerous ethics violations.

The only think I can say about this is that I’m shocked.  Not that Pruitt is among the very worst people on Earth; we’ve all known that since before he came to Washington.  It’s that he’s not nearly as smart as most people believed.

Suppose your job is to empower big polluters at the expense of the environment.  The deals you’re making are worth literally hundreds of billions of dollars.  And you get busted for a sweetheart deal on a condo rental from a lobbyist worth a few thousand?

That’s like robbing Fort Knox, throwing beer cans out the window of the getaway vehicle, getting pulled over for littering, having the cop see a gold ingot on your dashboard, and your going down for grand larceny.

Everyone knew Pruitt was a weasel, but no one suspected he had an IQ to match.

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One comment on “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency May Have a New Administrator Soon
  1. marcopolo says:


    ” Everyone knew Pruitt was a weasel” ?

    Who is “everyone” ? Or by everyone you just mean disgruntled Democrats and certain leftist media outlets ?

    I don’t much like Scott Pruitt or all his policies, but I try to refrain from this bitter abusive vitriol, since I recognize the constitutional right of an elected administration to pursue it’s agenda.

    Complaints against Scott Pruitt’s conduct are vindictive, petty or inaccurate.

    A headline from the NYT, to it’s disgrace, screams;

    “Scott Pruitt, who is supposed to protect our families from pollution, concealed literally living in a fossil fuel lobbyist’s house.”

    Sensation !!!

    Well not really,..Apart from being a sensationalist quote from Michael Brune, the executive director of the Sierra Club, it’s also inaccurate.

    There was no “house” nor was the rental concealed. In fact the NYT description of a “luxurious townhouse” , turns out to be a small nondescript investment condo co-owned by Vicki Hart as part of an property investment portfolio and let out as an AirNB property.

    Scott Pruitt’s explanation the property was convenient as the rental was on a casual basis (only paid for nights he stayed) and he stayed longer than the original six weeks he intended was because he just got too busy to look elsewhere, seems credible given the storm he created. Investigations show rental fee appears consistent with AirNB prices in the area.

    Micheal Hart, the lobbyist who is the husband of Vicki Hart, said “My wife does not, and has not ever, lobbied the EPA on any matters. her property portfolio is her own business and I don’t have anything to do with her properties which she owned before we were married”

    Interestingly, the NYT and several leftist media outlets jumped on these remarks, the NYT journalist sneering, ” obviously a concocted story, it’s not credible Hart doesn’t control his wife’s affairs” !!

    Wow,.. apart from setting back the Women,s movement back by 150 years, Vicki Hart was, and still is, a highly successful business women in her own right.

    Very little smoke, certainly no fire, and as the Washington Times pointed out, had this been any other new EPA administrator it wouldn’t have rated a mention.

    My concern is while all this petty, and viscous feuding continues America is becoming distracted with internecine conflict and unable to focus on far more important issues.