Energy Storage

maxresdefault (2)Those looking for a primer on energy storage will enjoy this piece in the New  York Times, complete with wonderful animation.

For some reason, they failed to include flywheels, which is ironic because I happen to be taking on a new client in that space in July.

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2 comments on “Energy Storage
  1. marcopolo says:


    Thank you for presenting this article. The NYT article does mention flywheels in the Crane section, albeit briefly.

    Flywheels are a very old form of technology, some dating back many thousands of years. Although usually as associated with massive cast iron steam engines during the halcyon day of early steam, t flywheel technology is currently undergoing a revival of interest thanks to the discovery and development of new materials and designs.

    I look forward to you posting exciting new information as your involvement progresses.

    Keep up the good work !

    ( Here, under our bridge, the 4th Street Troll Bridge Collective got hold of a really big, goat powered, fly wheel ! Sad to report it hasn’t been a success, due to some members eating the best goats).

  2. Glenn Doty says:


    They did cover flywheels, in a manner that I believe is perfectly suitable for flywheels: the port cranes.

    Flywheels are far too expensive if they aren’t going to be deep-cycled many times per day, but they last for millions of cycles. So something like a port crane – which will lift and lower containers hundreds of times per day – is perfect.