From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: The Green Community–Five Waste Management Tips to Maintain a Clean Neighborhood

green-bulk-waste-removalIf you want your neighborhood to look the best it can, you need to put in some effort. A clean and green neighborhood requires everyone to get involved so you can all make sure the neighborhood looks the best it possibly can. Use these tips to help clean up your neighborhood.

Host a Meeting

Let everyone else in your neighborhood know you want to clean it up. The chances are other people are thinking the same thing so you can all get on the same page together if you lead the initiative. If you are all on the same page, cleaning up your neighborhood will be so much easier.

Use the Same Bins

Neighbors who want to clean up their neighborhood are going to need skip bins. You can actually get a big discount if you come together as a neighborhood. Purchasing the bins and the service in bulk can save you as much as 20%. All the neighbors will benefit because you’ll all be getting the savings on the cost of the bins!

Enlist Some Help

Getting your neighborhood cleaned up isn’t always easy to do on your own. You might need to enlist professional waste management help to get your neighborhood cleaned up the right way. There are different steps you can take, but a professional will know how to lead you in the right direction from the start.

Try Something New

Trying something new as a neighborhood is a fun way to come together and make your neighborhood better. Some popular ideas include once-a-month cleanup days and even compost piles that you can all pitch in and use. Think about all the ways you can bring improvements to your neighborhood and don’t be afraid to try something new.

Host a Cleanup

By hosting a neighborhood cleanup, you can get the community involved. Clean up the trash around your home, on the streets and near the gutters. Recycle things you find and even consider hosting a yard sale or swap event so people from the neighborhood don’t have to throw anything away and can get free stuff!

A cleaner neighborhood takes some effort, but the results are worth it for most people who live in the neighborhood. If you’re truly dedicated to a better neighborhood, talk with the people who live close to you. Coordinate the best way to clean your neighborhood and keep it as clean as you can!

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