Alternative Lifestyles

7450864-3x2-700x467As you watch the short video below, ask yourself: Who’s going to have a richer, more fulfilling life: This kid, or the typical American robo-consumer, programmed to scratch his way up the corporate ladder so he can achieve the pinnacle of what we deem to be “success,” with a Maserati and five houses?


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One comment on “Alternative Lifestyles
  1. marcopolo says:


    You raise an interesting question about human nature.

    Evolution dis not equip humans to be equal, or even for all humans to survive. Somewhere along the way, humans learn to sieve their own destiny, learn to control fire and determine their own evolutionary process.

    The paradox of human nature is our ability to survive through social cohesion, yet remain fiercely competitive with one another.

    Humans aren’t really programed to be “happy” per se, but both these boy’s may be ‘fulfilled’ by different different levels of social status, depending on different personal philosophies.

    To some folk, material success is a measure of self worth and evidence of how much society values and rewards their achievement.

    Trying to morally denigrate others who have acquired more prosperity than yourself, is usually generated by envy and jealousy. Oh, I know the puritan always has some high minded justification to cover the real motive, but in the end it’s just old fashioned envy and spite.

    It’s only natural to feel the prosperity and good fortune of others somehow impacts negatively on your own more meagre achievements. Those who truly never feel this way, never mention, or disparage the wealth of others, since they are sincerely content with their lot.

    The great example was St Francis of Assisi, who gave up wealth and privilege to live an aesthetic lifestyle. St. Francis didn’t ask others to follow his example,(certainly not insist society compulsorily adopt his beliefs) he simply sought to be a living example of his own beliefs.

    I have two sons, one choose to practice medicine among the disadvantaged, the other is a successful Wall Street investment banker and commodities trader. Both are fortunate to obtain great satisfaction and fulfillment from their respective careers and contributions to society.

    Among my personal staff, I have too young females. Both of these young women are intelligent and ambitious, but one has chosen to dedicate her life to the conservation and care of certain equine breeds, including stud management. The other, I met in America who is pursuing a passion for business and making money.

    Both are following their dreams.

    In the words of the immortal Sophie Tucker : “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and honey, Rich is better !”

    As Warren Buffett famously pointed out; ” Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago “.