Notions of Compassion and Sustainability Expressed Without Words

download (4)The written language has certain limitations.  One can push the envelope, trying to be funny, impassioned, sarcastic, or bellicose, though writers face the constraints placed on us by the finite nature of words and the syntax in which they’re used.

Think of what you’d like to say about the melting of the arctic.  Stop the onslaught. Give a damn. Get involved. Be a part of the solution.  Join forces. Live in concert with nature. Come together. Love one another. Take care of our home.

Now think about saying these things without words.  The video below is exactly what you wind up with when you do precisely that, which features Greenpeace-inspired Italian composer/pianist Ludovico Einaudi playing a minimalist piece on a specially built ‘iceberg’ as part of a campaign to save the Arctic.


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