From Guest Blogger Hannah Whittenly: Set the Example! How to Teach Your Children to Care for the Environment

It is important to teach your children how to care for the environment while they are still young. Your children are going to follow your example, so you want to make sure you are caring for the environment yourself. This means making several changes to your lifestyle. Use the following ideas to teach your children how to take care of the environment.

Conserve Electricity by Turning off and Unplugging

It is almost a habit to leave the light or television on when you leave a room. If the room is not occupied, then you are wasting electricity on an empty space. Start saving electricity by turning off the electronics when you leave the room. Use the sunlight instead of a lamp to brighten a room during the day. You should also unplug the electronics that do not need to stay plugged in constantly, such as your phone charger.

Reuse Items Around the House to Promote Upcycling

There are many items that can be reused instead of discarded. Use empty jelly jars as decorative displays or drinking glasses, or you can turn an old wine bottle into a new candle holder. Children can use empty paper towel rolls or plastic soda bottles for their art projects. Reusing items promotes upcycling and teaches children how to be creative with items they already own.

Get into the Habit of Recycling

Use your new habit of recycling to teach your children about the landfills. Your children will be eager to reduce the waste and improve the air quality by recycling. Set up colored recycling bins for paper, plastic and glass in your trash area. Encourage your children to count down to recycling pick-up or accompany you to the recycling center. You are providing them with a hands-on way to care for the environment.

Switch to Tile Roofing on Your Home

If you are planning a renovation, take your eco-friendly lifestyle one step further with tile roofing. The process of absorbing heat from the sun and transferring it through your home takes longer with a tile roof. This means your air conditioner does not have to work as hard to keep your home cool. You can even look into tiles that are approved by Energy Star. Use this upgrade to educate your children on choosing the right materials for saving energy.

Leading by example shows your children how good it feels to care for the environment. Your children are sure to use their eco-friendly habits as they grow older.

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