EPA Administrator Aggressively Stopping Himself

downloadThank God for small favors.  According to the American Energy Society, there are currently 12 unique investigations of EPA Director Scott Pruitt; these investigations have slowed his attempt to roll back a half-dozen EPA regulatory reviews, including delaying review of rules to relax storage of toxic coal ash waste from power plants. 

There is a modern religious philosophy that theorizes that, because man is basically good, he subconsciously stops himself from committing acts he knows to be harmful.  In other words, at a certain level, the criminal wants to be caught.

If this strikes you as bizarre, consider Scott Pruitt, tasked with removing environmental protections so as to increase corporate profits by hundreds of billions of dollars annually.  Now ask yourself: does it seem like a good idea to accept a sweetheart deal worth a few thousand dollars on a condo rental from a corporate lobbyist whom you’re supposed to be regulating?

This is like stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre, flipping off a gendarme out the window of your getaway car, getting pulled over and arrested.

Just when you thought you’d seen it all.

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One comment on “EPA Administrator Aggressively Stopping Himself
  1. marcopolo says:


    Good grief, Scott Pruitt temporarily rented a room in an apartment for the going rate from a property company part owned the wife of a long time friend.

    The rent was formally assessed in a report by an independent and certified expert as being in keeping with the prevailing market rate.

    All in all, perhaps not the wisest decision, but in reality a bit of a storm in a teacup, largely a media beat up, that no one really gives a damn about.