Scott Pruitt: By Far, the Most Effective Member of Trump’s Cabinet

scott-pruittApparently, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has committed yet another gross violation of the code of ethics that apply to government employees, in this case, using public resources at his disposal to help his wife get a job.  This brings the total of Pruitt’s scandals for which he’s being investigated to lucky 13.

Some guy on Facebook just now asks how it’s possible that Pruitt is still there, to which I reply.

The reason Pruitt is still there is that he’s utterly fantastic in performing his job: enriching corporations, especially oil companies, at the expense of the health and safety of every living being on this planet.  In exchange, donations from the moneyed entities that benefit from this criminality are pouring into the Republican Party in torrents. He’s simply too good to be removed.

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One comment on “Scott Pruitt: By Far, the Most Effective Member of Trump’s Cabinet
  1. marcopolo says:


    I realize that both you and the Washington Post hate Scott Pruitt, but this is getting silly.

    Scott Pruitt who has a long association with a number of businesses offered to help his wife get an interview with a fast food company. When the company executive rang him back he was busy and asked an aide to take the call and note down the time and place of the appointment.

    The aide made no complaint, and in fact was happy to do so, the matter would have been considered trivial but for an utterly unrelated EPA employee acting as a spy (or busybody) for the Washington Post.

    Likewise, an EPA aide who has been a family friend of the Pruitt family for many years, volunteered in her own time to make inquiries for her boss with regards to housing availability. For some reason, a US Democrat Senator has raised this matter with the Inspector -general, why and for what possible benefit to the American people is hard to fathom.

    Why the Senator regards the fact that the aide was not paid, as constituting a gift violating federal employment rules, is mystifying.

    This endless petty harassment will inevitably lead to a backlash, as Republicans begin to investigate previous office holders relationships with employees, resulting in the legislative branch bogging down into a furry of trivial, salacious witch hunting.

    Shame on them, shame on the Washington Post for delving into mere tabloid journalism, and shame on you and those Americans encouraging this sort of trivialization.

    Why do I say Shame ? Well,.. because Scott Pruitt needs to be held to account for the policies of the EPA, not silliness of this sort. All this kind of nonsense will create is an atmosphere where all issues regarding the EPA (no matter how real or valid) will be regarded by the general public as part of the ongoing campaign against Pruitt and dismissed accordingly.

    “Wolf !” Should be kept for occasions of real threat.