Don’t Worry About the Present-Day U.S.–Everything Will Turn Out Fine

104161766-GettyImages-519809258.600x400Within a few days of Trump’s ascendancy to power, many people started to notice fascist/authoritarian tendencies: nepotism, condemning the press, bans on religious sects, scapegoating minorities, the encouraging of violence, appointing cronies to cabinet posts, anti-intellectualism, fraudulent reporting of elections, obsession with militarism and national security, bashing labor unions, interconnection of religion with government, enforced nationalism/”loyalty,” etc.  Yet damned be he who mentions any parallel between current times and 1930s Germany, or, worse, makes any comparison of Trump to Hitler.

For any of you bold enough to consider this idea, here’s a (literal) page from a history book.  Maybe this won’t send shivers up  your spine, maybe you’re not willing to let yourself harbor these thoughts.  It’s your business, but remember, that’s essentially what happened in the 1930s.

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One comment on “Don’t Worry About the Present-Day U.S.–Everything Will Turn Out Fine
  1. marcopolo says:


    Congratulations ! Well done ! You’ve just made any prospect of a “blue wave” even more implausible ! You must be very, very desperate !

    The rise of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, has no parallel with modern America, and you know it!

    Trump may be an extroverted US populist President, but the US has had many such leaders. The only thing Hitler and Trump have in common is neither smoke and although Trump doesn’t drink alcohol at all, Adolf Hitler drank very sparingly and disapproved of drinking to excess.

    Adolf Hitler was a product of his experiences before and during the First World War, and his support was the result of the chaos and poverty created by the Treaty of Versailles.

    The Nazi’s and Adolf Hitler were deeply anti-Semitic, Trump has proven to be a sincere friend of Israel and the Jewish people, despite the fact many of his most ardent opponents are Jewish.

    Adolf Hitler had no respect for Constitutional government, Trump is busy winding back his predecessors use of Presidential power to by-pass Congress. His insistence that only Congress can, and should, make laws, and reluctance to use Presidential Fiats, has led to many of his current problems.

    In fact, Trump is far closer to the spirit of the Founders of the Constitution than most modern Presidents.

    Hitler was above all a military adventurer, he sought to expand his nations border by conquest. Trump is the exact opposite.

    So far, all the “violence” and “craziness” has come from the educated left, who should know better.

    Let’s begin with a Bernie Saunders campaign worker and left-wing activist and founding member of the “Terminate the Republican Party,” and “Trump is not my President” movements, James Hodgkinson, who decide to assassinate a group of GOP Congressmen playing Sunday baseball.

    Had it not been for the quick and brave action of US Capitol Police officers, Crystal Griner, David Bailey and Henry Cabrera,Hodgkinson would have completed his intended massacre.

    What about the Democrat Sitting State Senator who called for President Trump and his families to assassinated ?

    Why are hysterical and violent rants by Hollywood celebrities,such as praise for John Wilkes Booth, calls for 11 year old Baron Trump to be caged with pedophiles and raped before his mother twice daily and countless other obscene rants applauded by CNN, NYT etc ?

    Even geriatric Democratic grandees like Joe Biden’s adolescent threat to beat up Trump or Eric Holder’s inane talk about a knife fight, are hardly edifying, while Senator Kamala Harris’s wish to exiting an elevator alive, after leaving a dead Trump behind in it, nearly became a frightening reality when two knife wielding men were apprehended in the lobby of Trump Tower.
    And these are just mild examples !

    The hounding and discrimination by Democrat supporters, encouraged by Democrat politicians toward employees of the administration going about their personal affairs, is unprecedented and irresponsible.

    Try suggesting any such actions during Adolf Hitler’s regime and the result wouldn’t be an sniggering accolade in the NYT and a spot on TV with Sandra Bee of “feckless c**t” notoriety.(It would have resulted in a long, very unpleasant and terminal interview in the basement of 10 Prinz-Albrecht-Straße) .

    There is no “Holocaust” on the US border with Mexico !

    As the media hype slowly gives way to reality, three facts emerge;

    1) President Trumps policies are no different than President Obama’s. The laws creating the problems were enacted by Democrats.

    2) Fake news exists ! The media wrongly attributed to President Trump comments made by Hillary Clinton in 2014. Photo’s of children in cages, used to enrage the public at the iniquity of the President, were actually stock footage from 2013-14-15. Even the photo-shopped Time Cover depicting a child separated form it’s parents, wasn’t real. The child was not at any time separated from her parents.

    3) The Democrats and opponents of the Presidents immigration policy are bereft of any workable alternate policy. Strict border controls require harsh and determined action against increasingly cunning and ruthless people smugglers. The only deterrent is the certainty illegal migration is impossible and even if successful, upon detection the illegal migrant will be jailed and deported without recourse.

    Australia and Switzerland have both adopted such policies as have many other nations. It was hard, but has succeeded in effect border security.

    The only alternative is an “open border” policy. If that’s what the Democrats want, then that’s a policy they should put to the electors.

    Illegal migration is a very difficult and emotive issue. It can’t be resolved by emotive ranting, and the melancholic reality may well prove no “right” or “good” solution exists. Any policy must be taken in a calm, reasoned and objective atmosphere, or the tragedy will continue forever.

    Craig, you should stop this nonsense, not only is it counter-productive and silly, but lessens the truly awful nature of the Nazi regime in generations who are now too distant to really appreciate the monstrosity of the Hitler movement.