Here’s a Take on Coal–Directly from–The T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-O-R

TerminatorArnoldAnyone reading these words already knows where I stand on Trump’s obsession with resuscitating the coal industry.  Why would he:

• Deliberately inflict damage to the lungs of everyone living on Earth?

• Take an action that, dollar for dollar, is a terrible deal in terms of job creation, compared to almost anything else, especially solar and wind?

• Violate the basic rules of fairness (and legal statutes as well), forcing consumers to buy things whether they want to or not?  Will be coerced into buying transistor radios and fax machines again too?

OK, so you’ve heard that before.  So why not take it from someone a great deal more recognizable: The Terminator himself.  He does a great job with this, IMO — (even if he didn’t, I’d probably keep that opinion to myself).


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One comment on “Here’s a Take on Coal–Directly from–The T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-O-R
  1. marcopolo says:


    You ask, Why would President Trump:

    A} Deliberately inflict damage to the lungs of everyone living on Earth?

    2) Take an action that, dollar for dollar, is a terrible deal in terms of job creation, compared to almost anything else, especially solar and wind?

    3) Resuscitate the coal industry ?

    The first reason is obvious, President Trump was elected to revive the coal industry ! Revival of the coal industry was a clearly stated election pledge and this President is very diligent about keeping election promises.

    The second reason is coal is a enormously valuable export commodity providing strategic advantage to US foreign policy, balance of trade improvement and domestic economic benefit to previously deprived areas of the US.

    The third reason is the coal industry provides 33% of US power generation and more than 40% of global electricity. The only real rival to coal is Natural Gas.

    Natural gas, thanks to fracking technology (Gee, the once strident opposition become silent suddenly)has become abundant, economic and less pollutant. But will that situation last much longer ?

    The US gains about 85% of electricity generation from non-renewable sources. The future of coal is looking much brighter due to increased investment in modernizing coal production and clean coal technology. Thanks to these investments, coal will once again be competitive with natural gas.

    Demand for LPG, especially from Asia is increasing, driving up the price of natural gas.

    Once the exciting new technologies in coal production and clean(er) coal fired plants take effect, coal will once again resume being a major energy provider.

    The President has kept faith with the coal industry, and the millions of Americans who owe their livelihoods to this industry with continue to support the President.

    Those Americans who love not only the long term health of the planet’s environment, but who also love America and their fellow American’s, should take the time to understand the impact Clean(er) Coal technology will have on the plant and be proud that that a facility in Wyoming is coordinating development of cutting edge clean(er) technology to benefit the entire world.

    Sorry Arnie, but hey times change, everyone gets it wrong occasionally !