When It Comes To Climate Change Mitigation, Ignorance Is Strength

katy-perry-unicef-video-480x279In order to keep the electorate here in the U.S. ignorant on the subject of climate change, Senate Republicans have taken a bold new approach: stop an attempt to educate TV meteorologists.

Conservative lawmakers are targeting the National Science Foundation, which they accuse of “propagandizing” the issue of climate change. They’re taking a hard look at the NSF grants, specifically the $4 million given to its Climate Matters program. The program, run by the New Jersey-based nonprofit Climate Central, works to provide information about climate change through its classes and webinars for television meteorologists.

Why attack TV weathercasters?  It’s become clear that local newscasters increasingly are a primary source for news on global warming. It’s just like anything else.  Just as we’re working hard to get the Book of Genesis taught as science in our schools, you can’t maintain a completely ignorant population if you permit climate science, or any other form of truth, to invade our country’s living rooms. Nip it in the bud.

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One comment on “When It Comes To Climate Change Mitigation, Ignorance Is Strength
  1. marcopolo says:


    All administrations are guilty of using taxpayer funds for propaganda purposes. As a rule taxpayer money shouldn’t be spent by government agencies to turn ‘information’ into subtle or covert political-ideological propaganda.

    This principle is adhered to more in the breech than in practice !

    The complaint of taxpayer money being used for political purposes will always be contentious.

    Complaints the NSA issued grants seeking to influence political and social debate or funded grants to assist empowering unions to pursue a social justice agenda within the engineering industry,rather than conduct scientific research, and should not receive government funding, were inevitable when a new administration with a different political persuasion took power.

    To adherents of the previous administration these grants were a legitimate use of public funding, to the present administration they’re just more evidence of misusing public funds to further a political-ideological agenda.

    Ultimately, the decision remains in the hands of the voters.