From a Certain Viewpoint, The Environmental Protection Agency Provides Comic Relief

maxresdefault (4)Today is the 38th anniversary of the debut of “Airplane,” arguably the funniest movie every made.

It’s also the date on which we learned, to the surprise of no one, that EPA administrator Scott Pruitt keeps a secret calendar, to hide his meetings with executives from chemical and fossil fuel companies (that he’s charged with regulating) from public view.

The tie in? These are both essentially comedies.  Pruitt is now bathing in scandals; they’re emerging at the rate of at least one per week.  But they’re not brought on by his incompetence at his job, i.e., destroying the environment for the profit of his clients, rather, by his astounding level of ineptitude in criminality.  If this guy were robbing a bank, he’d forget his gun and ski mask, and park his getaway car in a tow-away zone.

You may be thinking: Surely you can’t be serious. No, I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley.

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