From Guest Blogger John Adams: The Importance of Sustainable Energy in Protecting Our Environment

maxresdefault (2)Solar energy isn’t a new source of power. In fact, its history dates back to 1876. A teacher and student realized that selenium produced electricity when exposed to sunlight. They realized they could harness that power for all kinds of uses.

These days, we don’t use selenium to make solar panels, but the same principles apply. Instead of using nonrenewable resources to power your home or business, you can tap into the sun’s power and use solar panels to convert the light into electricity.

Solar Energy Reduces Carbon Emissions

Many people are quick to point out that solar panels and other items powered by solar energy release CO2 emissions. However, it’s important to realize that solar panels produce about 30 times less CO2 than coal power. Indeed, the latest advancements in solar technology actually help remove some of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

It might not be possible to rid our air of carbon dioxide (yet), but taking strides toward reducing CO2 emissions will improve air quality, which makes air healthier to breathe. We know that CO2 in the home can cause illness or even death, but it’s also harmful to the environment. It’s heating up the planet, and producing too many emissions too fast can result in our inability to adapt to it.

Over time, respiratory issues and other negative health problems can impact our entire population thanks to our resistance to solar energy. Installing solar panels and other solar products can help reduce the impact on our health as well as the environment.

Solar Panels Reduce Energy Use by Homes and Businesses

The sun is a renewable energy source. It produces a stunning amount of power, which we can harness to provide electricity to our homes and businesses through solar panel usage. Using nonrenewable resources depletes our planet’s fossil fuels and wreaks havoc on our environment.

There’s plenty of misinformation out there about renewable energy sources. To learn more, check out my book, “Renewable Energy: Facts and Fantasies.” Feel free to download a free copy.

The point, though, is that misinformation causes consumers to make detrimental decisions — not only to the environment, but also to their wallets. Solar panels help reduce energy costs in the home or business, which results in easier budgeting.

Solar Energy Reduces Disruptions to the Existing Environment

It’s extremely expensive to extract fossil fuels from the earth, but it’s also harmful to the environment. The machinery used in such extractions release greenhouse gases, which contribute to the aforementioned global warming.

Additionally, the industry requires processing plants and other assets that pollute the air and harm native plant life.

If you’re thinking about turning to solar energy for your home, business, or other needs, now’s the time to act. Solar panels offer a cost-effective way to save on energy costs well into the future and to reduce your home’s carbon footprint. Using solar-powered electronics and lights can also help aid in environmental protection.

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