What’s on Breitbart and Fox News?

36394085_10216754331789028_3485344215284580352_nI doubt too many 2GreenEnergy readers follow Breitbart on Facebook or watch Fox News.  I like to dabble in both, because I think it’s important to understand where people are coming from.

Having said that, you’re not to be blamed if you’re unwilling to do this, because it really is pretty upsetting.  You’ll learn that government is coming for your guns and giving handouts to lazy people who are unwilling to work.  Voter fraud is rampant.  Trump is bringing the deficit down and making America great again by making very savvy deals all over the world that are growing the economy.  After the war liberals were raging against coal, it’s making a comeback. The standard of living for working class Americans is booming. Illegal immigrants, 63,000 of whom have killed Americans since 9/11, are pouring across our southern border, infesting our country and taking our jobs.  Liberals want open borders, a ban on guns, an abandonment of law enforcement, and a stagnant economy which would derive from their phobia of climate change, a provable hoax (there is still ice and snow).  Abortion is murder.  Bomb Iran. Homosexuality is a disease.  North Korea is no longer a threat, due to Trump’s courage and persuasiveness.  Obama’a only qualification for his job (at which he failed miserably by all accounts) was his race.  Good people with guns are very effective at thwarting crimes.  Confederate “heroes” need to be celebrated. Get liberals off the Supreme Court.  More weapons.  College is bad for young people (because of atheist values).  Did I mention bombing Iran?

Come to think of it, maybe you’re better off without all this, but I can’t help myself.

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One comment on “What’s on Breitbart and Fox News?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Y’know you don’t always have to read only the extremes. Try reading the more moderate publications or glance through the choices on news aggregation sites like RealClear Politics etc.

    That may assist you to gain a more balanced, objective perspective and increase your respect for the opinions of your fellow citizens.

    But then, objectivity and balanced reason is so difficult when you are desperately maintaining a state of permanent outrage, isn’t it ?

    I’m still disappointed you have shown no interest in the most important development in ‘green’ science in 10 years ! I would’ve thought the commercialization of Robert Niven’s innovation deserved more of your attention than a re-hash of an old “Never Trump” type rant !

    CarbonCure Technologies’ technology is truly game changing and will have an enormously important positive impact on the environment, yet strangely, you are not excited by such good news. Your obsession with political internecine mud slinging and abuse has demanding grown so great, it occupies all your time and passion.

    The achievements of pioneers like Robert Niven will endure long after the “outrage” and political anger are consigned to the dustbin of history.