Americans Believe What They Want To Believe

ssWell, this isn’t good.  I suppose what you’re looking at is evidence that Americans need science and evidence-based thinking.

It’s kind of like:

The climate is always changing; cold weather proves climate change is a hoax.

Obama is coming for your guns; you need an assault rifle for protection.

Hurricanes are God’s punishment for homosexuality.




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One comment on “Americans Believe What They Want To Believe
  1. marcopolo says:


    Curious, exactly what part of the billboard is inaccurate or unscientific ?

    Wind is an intermittent source of power. As any yachtsman knows, wind is often too intense or too mild to be useful. Solar power also suffers from being intermittent.

    The US once again has a growing need for industrial “power on demand”, and that means coal, natural gas or nuclear to meet 85% of US electricity. In reality that means only coal (34%)and natural gas (45%).

    Globally, 43% of the world electricity is generated from coal fired power.

    The price of natural gas is starting to increase due to an increasing global demand for LPG, leaving coal once again competitive.

    Fortunately, clean(er) coal technology is rapidly advancing with not just sequestration technology but technology capable of turn once environmentally harmful pollutant emissions into valuable by-products.

    The real problem with environmentalists is a bitter divide between those who pursue an uncompromising ideological agenda advocating all fossil fuels should are “evil” and therefore should be abolished because they create carbon emissions. This faction rejects the development or even existence of scientific carbon recycling, mitigation, transmogrification or sequestration technology, no matter how viable or practical.

    Other, equally sincere environmentalists, accept that modern industrialized societies and especially developing nations, need economic, reliable energy “on demand”. These environmentalists adopt a different approach, supporting the development of alternate energy, while still advocating support for science and technology to solve (or mitigate) the problem of harmful pollution created by fossil fuels.

    Both the development of alternate energy and emission-reduced traditional energy resources are needed to provide a cleaner and more economic environmental future.

    What is unscientific, and harmful to the environment, is choosing any technology for ideological reasons and remaining close minded to all other developments.

    You are quite right, Americans DO need science and evidence-based thinking, of which your observation display’s very little !

    What evidence do you have, apart from prejudiced stereotyping, that all coal miners believe “climate change is a hoax, Obama is coming for your guns, you need an assault rifle for protection and hurricanes are God’s punishment for homosexuality “?

    When you express such narrow minded attitudes, don’t you care you are in danger of becoming what you say you despise ?