ABB on Energy Storage

ABB logo RGBThe industrial giant ABB was a client of mine in the late 1990s.  I have a distinct fondness for them, though they represent the only business trip I regret not being able to make; due to a conflict in my schedule, I had to send one of my people to Helsinki to make the final presentation of our work for them. 

In any case, great people, with a fantastically visionary view of the future of technology and its impact on civilization.  Here’s a recent report on the current and near-term status of energy storage, which is very encouraging stuff for clean energy investors.

The only thing I have to add is the obvious: we’re getting there, though almost exclusively on the strength of pure market economics.  When we can price in the externalities of fossil fuels, or, conversely, the environmental advantages of clean energy, we will be able to transition to renewables and energy storage in an incredible hurry.  This, of course, is the theme of my most recent book: Bullish on Renewable Energy.

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3 comments on “ABB on Energy Storage
  1. marcopolo says:


    Thank you for posting a press release from ABB and advertising their products.

    The issues surrounding energy storage technology , especially large scale storage, are very complex with lot’s of proposals, most still either experimental or as in the case of Tesla, LG etc giant battery packs in the early stages of commercialization.

    Energy storage and transmission is a very important factor when determining the financial viability of renewable energy.

    Have you done any critical analysis of ABB’s technology ? Can you extrapolate with your own insights beyond the companies publicity material ? If so, we’d love to hear your thoughts.

    • craigshields says:

      You’re an international attorney and successful businessman and you think the plural of “lot” is “lot’s.” You think spaces are not required before periods, but they are before question marks and exclamation points. You think the possessive of “company” is “companies.” Sure. Trolling sites like this requires more talent.

      • marcopolo says:


        Thank you for pointing out these typing errors. Some might overlook regard these slight grammatical errors, being more interested in the content. However, I guess there will always be those pedantic grammar enthusiasts yearning for the days of scholastic glory when they were chosen to be school blackboard monitors !

        Interestingly, although the errors are indeed mine, they’re really caused by the AI which allows me to compose correspondence at speed. This technology is useful but still imperfect and I often lack the time to bother careful editing when traveling. Instead, I like to believe I can rely on the blog readers generosity of spirit and I always afford the same courtesy in return.

        I think you are being over-sensitive ! Energy storage is a fascinating subject.A great deal of research is being expended all over the world advancing various storage technologies.

        My inquiry was a genuine invitation to discuss these developments beyond a press release from one company. I find it puzzling how you would find such an invitation, “trolling”.

        ( Incidentally, I once received a lengthy reply from a senior member of the American firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. I appreciated the writer taking time from an impossibly busy schedule to provide me with important information. I paid no attention to the nine errors in grammar and spelling contained within the missive, I was just grateful for the content and the kindness of the writer taking the time to compose a reply ).

        Perhaps it might help lighten you up a little if you read Dave Steele’s insightful and humorous Guardian newspaper article “Why do pedants pedant?”.

        […/why-do-pedants-pedant” ]