The Fabulous Words of George F. Will

37358736_2344485272235813_1488841952072826880_nAs I’ve mentioned, George Will graduated from Trinity College exactly 15 years before I did, resulting in our having coincident reunions, which in turn means that I have the pleasure of listening to him speak every five years.

Since he’s an arch-conservative, I disagree with a great deal of what he says.  Having said that, we’re perfectly aligned on Trump, and, in any case, I so wish I could express myself even a fraction as well as he does.

I thought I’d reproduce here what he wrote in his most recent column in the Washington Post.


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One comment on “The Fabulous Words of George F. Will
  1. marcopolo says:


    George Will is certainly a well educated and erudite columnist for publications such as the Washington Post, NYT and New Yorker. He’s also retained to provide commentary for NBC News and MSNBC.

    For those familiar with George Wills elite, refined, genteel background and upbringing, it’s hardly surprising George would loathe the brash construction-property developer and reality TV pioneer from Queens, New York.

    It would be difficult to find two men so culturally opposed.

    It’s the fundamental difference between the effete critic and the man of purpose and action. George ‘commentates’ on life, while Trump lives life (not always wisely) ! The President is confidant and eager to talk to coal miners, the unemployed in Detroit, union bosses, movie stars, well,… basically anyone.

    George on the other hand is a lion with a pen, and among cultured, refined, elegant liberal social gatherings where he can pose as a fashionable conservative. (A sort of pet, tame,safe, conservative, the sort liberals can trot to prove how tolerant liberals can be).

    Despite all his intellect, George infallibly fails to understand problems and people outside his little bubble. His ramblings about Russian control of Trump are as ludicrous as his belief Ebola is spread by sneezing !

    His criticism of the President’s method of dealing with national strongmen, is as absurd as the Ex-CIA director, John Brennan’s description of Russia as an “enemy power” whom the US should be “standing up to”.

    I’m damned if I can see how relations could be improved with “strong” national leaders who dislike and distrust what they see as US imperialism, by a US President choosing to adopt an aggressive display of American posturing, and deliver moral lectures !

    President Trump’s method is the same as any successful salesperson. The first principle of dealing with any aggrieved potential adversary, is to display empathy and understanding. The willingness to compromise and find a way to become friends. Admitting responsibility for your own short comings often proves mollifying and allows others to accept their share.

    Just insisting the other side is completely to blame is counter-productive except as an exercise in ego.

    Shouting accusations, demanding abject surrender, humiliating an already wounded enemy is hardly likely to promote a viable working relationship and mutual trust.

    America can afford to be magnanimous, Putin can’t. Putin faces a great many problems which are not all of his making. Understanding Putin’s position, (or even Kim Joug-un’s circumstances) and understanding the dynamics of the pressures on these leaders is the first rule of successful negotiation.

    The US and it’s President need Russian cooperation and assistance to solve problems ranging from trade, oil and gas pricing, Chinese expansion, to Iran-Syria-Israel.

    President Trump displays a Carrot and Stick method of diplomacy. The President has no interest in imposing “American”, or even “Western”, values” etc. His approach is a pragmatic quest to achieve the best deal for the US.

    It’s true the President doesn’t care about proving Russian interference in US elections, after all the US (especially CIA) has been actively interfering in other nation political processes for 70 years ! The CIA has fermented violent coups and civil wars ! The CIA has never admitted it’s involvement, just as the US government has never admitted pursuing such policies !

    In fact the US spent years and billions of dollars trying to destabilize and fund political opposition to Putin. The CIA even sponsored an failed assassination attempt.

    Secretary of State Clinton ordered Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, to “replace” Ukraine President Victor Yanukovych with a government hostile to the Kremlin.

    Hillary Clinton thought pro-US Ukraine coup leaders would deprive Russia of its Black Sea naval base in Crimea. Instead, Russia simply annexed the old Russian province that only belonged to the Ukraine by historical accident.

    If Putin denies his own, or the Russian government’s involvement, so what ? (The hacking seems to have been largely effected from Belorussia, which is nominally a separate country. so Putin could be technically correct).

    How on earth is Trump expected to “force” an admission from Putin ? How would such a confrontation assist a better working relationship ?

    Russia is no longer the USSR exporting the Communist ideology, it’s now little more than an economic banana republic with nuclear weapons.

    NATO was formed 70 years ago to defend an economically and militarily recovering western Europe from an expansionist USSR and Warsaw Pact nations with a massive arsenal and millions of soldiers. Today, both the Warsaw pact and USSR have long since disappeared, but the now affluent European’s still expect US taxpayers to fund defence against a largely non existent “enemy”.

    Trump is quite right, who needs such costly “friends” ?

    Like many of the American elite, George is living in a time warp.

    Now for some reality, Trump administration has pursued the toughest stance toward Russia since the Reagan. Take away all the hyperbole, that’s what really matters.

    What his detractors don’t understand, or don’t want to understand, is Trump is always disciplined and consistent. He knows exactly what he wants. He single-mindedly shrugs off criticism as the price of effective unconventional diplomacy.

    The President can get tough and wield US power with determination, but always provides an off-ramp for the opponent to pursue reconciliation and face saving. The carrot is always available, even when being hit by the stick !

    He’ll play the game for leaders like Putin and Kim Jong-un, even Iran, need to save face back home. He doesn’t what his American critics say, he gambles his base support will understand as long as the economic benefits flow.

    He believes if he delivers security, stability and prosperity, the US people will slowly understand and trust his realpolitik methods.

    What the President’s critics don’t understand, and never did, is the USA is no longer the world’s policeman. The Imperial American dream of making every nation in America’s image has passed the ‘use by’ date.

    It’s a new era, and new style of President. Commentators like George Will, belong to a faded past.
