One comment on “It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe About Climate Change
  1. marcopolo says:


    If your logic is correct, the following conclusions are inevitable;

    1) “Qualified” experts must always be correct and infallible.(the higher the qualification, the more infallible the expert).
    2) Those without formal academic qualifications will never discover, innovate or invent anything of value.
    3) The concept of “democracy” is inherently wrong,along with the the idea of universal suffrage. Government and electors should be restricted to a small elite of suitably “qualified” experts.

    Hmmmm,…. the problem with your proposal is obvious ! If history has taught us anything, it’s that societies governed by “expert elites” are neither efficient, benevolent or even smart.

    look around you, everywhere you can witness an abundance human ingenuity to be found in every level and sector of society. Many of these innovations and inventions were created by unqualified “Amateurs”.

    “Experts” are often proven wrong and time makes fools of even the wisest pundits.

    When it comes to the effects of Climate Science, even the humblest citizen is entitled to express an opinion since they are an equal stakeholder in society. It’s their taxes and economic priorities which are called upon to fund Climate Change policies.

    I realize for ardent crusaders like yourself, yearning for dictatorial powers (benevolent of course) to enforce your vision of what your “experts” believe is necessary, the restrictions of old fashioned ‘representative democracy’ must be very frustrating and onerous.

    Unfortunately for you and your fellow “expert” crusaders, the rest of us poor unenlightened folk like our muddled, inefficient representative democratic process. Nope, we don’t unconditionally trust experts. Over the centuries we’ve watched the havoc and devastation wrought by “experts”

    I know it must be frustratingly for ‘experts’ to be burdened with a skeptical public lacking their genius, but that’s the way we like it.

    I think if you read over again your own words “Why would I possibly care what a pastry chef or a hotel manager thinks about climate science?”, you may begin to understand why Climate Science advocacy has fallen into such disrepute.

    The hubris and arrogance of such a statement is very insightful. The message you are conveying is one of narrow, close minded fanaticism. You’re no longer seeking to attract debate and inclusive discourse, but preaching adherence to the tenets of doctrine obtained from “On High”. (Your Chosen Experts)

    Craig, that’s certainly not science, nor is it “democratic” , it’s the beginnings of a totalitarian movement or cult.

    I’m sure that’s not your intention, and these tendencies are born from frustration to promote a better environment. I know it’s hard to be forced to persuade rather than dictate, but that’s how our society works. Yelling contemptuous abuse at those holding dissenting opinions, alienates not just dissenters, but the majority of those who may other wise have been amenable to your message.

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