On the Edge of Our Seats

37729371_2127445880828134_1670554613842968576_nThe headline here reminds us that Nixon’s political career was going very well…until it wasn’t.

Similarly, Trump’s approval numbers are holding steady, even though the majority of Americans believe he’s being somehow compromised by Russia, and is therefore committing an ongoing string of treasonous acts.

Manafort’s in prison, and may die there if he doesn’t flip.  Flynn, Papadoupolos and Gates have all plead guilty in exchange for cooperation.  Cohen is playing ball, and he’s bringing his tapes with him.

I’m predicting….exactly nothing.  As my mother correctly points out, “Craig, you’ve been saying that for a year and a half!” When the old girl’s right, she’s right.

This sure is exciting, though, isn’t it?  If there weren’t so much damage being done to our formerly great country and to our planet with the passing of every single day, this would be the most entertaining spectacle imaginable.

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One comment on “On the Edge of Our Seats
  1. marcopolo says:


    You are still living in a frenzied delusion aren’t you ?

    It’s kinda hard to tell whether your delusional state is created by an avid addiction to sensationalist anti-Trump media, (where any female with red hair must be a Russian spy), or your addiction is merely sustained by your selection of reading material,boosted by Facebook !

    The charges against Paul Manafort are totally unrelated to the President. Nor are Gates and Flynn. (also, Manafort has yet to be tried so he’s presumed not guilty in law until convicted or pleads guilty. Seemly, a nicety you no longer hold dear !).

    The charges against Papadoupolos don’t affect anyone but Papadoupolos, who appears to have been a bit of a Walter Mitty character.

    The only person who should be interested in the President’s sex life before becoming President, is possibly his wife !

    Having an encounter with a consenting adult isn’t a crime, since they weren’t in his employ, and no pressure was exerted. Nor is denying these encounters (truthfully or falsely) isn’t a crime either ! The media frenzy is based on nothing more than prurient obsession.

    That leaves only Micheal Cohen whom the press keep insisting can waive client privilege. No, he can’t ! Privilege is vested with the client, not Micheal Cohen as attorney.

    All in all, nothing new. Lot’s of salacious scandal, but no evidence of wrong doing by the President.

    Which brings us to an actual crime in 17 States of the USA. Criminal libel is not protected by the First Amendment.

    You have accused the President on several occasion of “committing an ongoing string of treasonous acts”. Where is your proof ? Where is your evidence ?

    Changing US foreign policy, is the prerogative of the elected President and to a lesser extent, the elected Congress. It’s not the prerogative of ex-CIA officials, journalists or disgruntled officials of previous administrations, or you.

    I realize it’s going to be very difficult for a lot of Americans to accept President Trump’s new negotiating style and manner.

    Talking about “treasonous act), why wasn’t it “treason” in 2009 when President Obama pulled missile defense systems out of Poland and the Czech Republic to appease Vladimir Putin ?

    Why wasn’t it “treason” in 2010 when former Democrat President Clinton accepted $500,000 from a suspected Russian government-backed source to speak in Moscow while his wife was Secretary of State ?

    Why when in 2012, President Obama assured Putin he’ll nejoy “more flexibility” on missile defense systems once he’s re-elected ” ?

    Or Obama administration helped Putin toward his goal of controlling the worldwide supply chain of uranium, using the excuse of “resetting” relationships ?

    in contrast, accepting a soccer ball , seems pretty harmless !

    In contrast President Trump has;

    Deployed Javelin anti-tank missiles in the Ukraine and anti-aircraft missiles in Poland.

    Actively deployed US coal and energy resources to undercut Russian energy power in Eastern Europe.

    His rebuke to Angela Merkel over the Nord Stream II pipeline is a very strong shot across Putin’s bow, causing deep concern in the Kremlin.

    Imposed Sanctions on Russian energy and defenses industries. This targets Putin’s inner circle of oligarchs and wealthiest Russians. These arethe very individuals whose support Putin relies to stay in power.

    These sanctions, are the harshest and most targeted yet enacted.

    The Helsinki meeting was about Trump saying,” enough of the stick, now for the Carrot, let’s talk about Iran etc.’

    It’s true Trump doesn’t really care about Russia intelligence murdering former agents in the UK, or Russia’s ineffective meddling in US elections. Trump has his strategy and remains focused on those objectives.

    His policy is America first ! Not America the worlds policeman or “leader of the Free world ” or exporting the American philosophy and ideology.

    His only mission is the best deal for America and to hell with all the rest.

    This in not the actions of a traitor but a cunning, hard nosed patriot !