California and Emissions Reductions

maxresdefaultCalifornia has some of the most ambitious emissions-reductions goals in the country, and it’s routinely exceeding them; in fact, we hit our 2020 numbers in 2016.  

Yet, at a national level, the U.S. is an environmental disgrace, but that’s not stopping huge parts of it from doing the right thing; state and local governments, as well as a great deal of the private sector is doing an excellent job at taking care of the Mother Earth.

Is this coming at the expense of a thriving economy?  Hardly.  If it were a country, California would be the world’s 5th largest.

It all goes back to the central theme of what we’re about here at 2GreenEnergy, and, in particular, Bullish on Renewable Energy: our civilization is replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy on the basis of pure market economics alone; a population of environmentalists and a progressive national energy policy would help, but they’re really not required.

More generally, cleantech is the ultimate win-win; it preserves the quality of the planet we call home, while paying for itself and building the jobs base at the same time.

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One comment on “California and Emissions Reductions
  1. It’s a great thing that you’re helping out the environment! We only have one, and we need it to live! Keep on posting the great content, this is one of the best blogs I’ve read!