Alaska, Oil, and Cognitive Dissonance

download (5)It’s understandable that people want to vote their pocketbooks.  That’s why it’s so pathetic to see rank and file Trump supporters undeterred in their adoration of the man, given that their financial positions have worsened via his policies on taxation, healthcare, trade, and the like.  The wealthy ones are thrilled, but the vast majority are clueless that their lives are being ripped asunder at every turn.

Here’s a story that speaks to voting one’s pocketbook: Alaska, bastion of libertarian self-governance, is considering a carbon tax, and may just pull the trigger.

What they believe: oil is their livelihood, and no one should restrain them from seeking their fortune–(if they didn’t believe that, they wouldn’t be in Alaska in the first place).

What they see: rapidly rising temperatures and the devastation of their environment.

Cognitive dissonance is defined as the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.  It’s hitting Trump supporters in Alaska now–coming soon, to those in the lower 48.

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2 comments on “Alaska, Oil, and Cognitive Dissonance
  1. marcopolo says:


    Really, it’s so selfish of you to keep where you buy your “rose tinted’ spectacles a secret!

    Gosh, I wish I had a pair ! How you can read an article in “grist” which talks about a small group of activists petitioning the Governor of Alaska to impose a quote “vague proposal” that may include some form of oil/carbon tax.

    The article goes on to observe ” The Governor isn’t expected to throw his support behind any controversial tax”.

    The proposal originated from a group calling itself “Climate Action for Alaska Leadership Team” a group of quote “20 ‘scientists’, policy wonks, indigenous representatives etc.

    Oil companies don’t care about carbon taxes etc, they simply pass the cost to consumers. Since oil, gas and coal are essentials such taxes affect the entire economy, creating an economy less attractive for investment capital and resulting in declining economic activity.

    These sort of economic influences don’t greatly effect employment or prosperity in highly globalized new technology industries where tax liabilities can easily be transferred to more sympathetic locations, but blue collar workers, local communities and those in older more national industries, feel the brunt of an economic downturn and recession.

    Each time you rant on about Trump only helping the rich to pay less tax, (the truly rich are never concerned about tax), while sneering at the Presidents blue collar “deplorables”, you add 10% to his voting base!

    The President’s blue collar base has not only held firm, but is adding support from previously democrat voting black Americans. These people are not “clueless”,”deluded” or “ignorant”, they just don’t agree with your arrogant claim “their lives are being ripped asunder at every turn”.

    Most of the ordinary, working Americans are more optimistic about their futures than in 2016. The reasons are simple, all around they see prosperity and hope returning in their local communities with the advent of growing employment and a President who doesn’t call them “deplorable”.

  2. It’s terrible that these people can’t see clearly! If only they knew that Trump was harming them and making it nearly impossible for the poor or the middle class to become the wealthy upper class!