We Don’t Love a Parade

39243156_2257971330962575_3076317475910975488_nQuestion: Given all the acrimony of Trump’s $92 million parade, do you think it’s going to happen?  120,000 veterans are living in the streets, and Flint still doesn’t have safe drinking water.  Will Trump really go through with this?

I guess the answer is yes.  Remember, Trump is motivated by what’s good for Trump, and firing up his base by angering people of kindness is always a good idea.


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2 comments on “We Don’t Love a Parade
  1. Why is Trump so selfish! Right now he could be helping his name by doing something that will benefit the people, but instead, he chooses to make a $92 million parade!

  2. marcopolo says:


    First of all, that $92 million was never a real figure, just an estimate made up by some malicious media hack and to be used by the “Never Trumpers” to get all sanctimonious.

    Secondly, it appears is your “guess” is quite wrong, when the estimated real cost of up to $32 million was finally provided to the President, he immediately cancelled the project on the basis of it being too costly.

    So, it looks like your sanctimony and parsimony will have to find another outlet, but never mind, as long as you don’t have to admit you’re wrong, I’m sure after a while you can invent something else to outraged about. !