Chatting About Mother Nature

636126769731153850-1863300394_635999869676911561-770123263_Mother-Nature-Wallpaper-High-ResolutionAn eloquent friend writes: “We must beg our planet’s grace in allowing life as we know it to survive; her judgment stacked against our uncaring response as supposedly intelligent adults ignore a growing danger.”

But he’s countered by this: “She doesn’t care. Mass extinctions happen and she bounces back better than ever. We’re just another meteor to her.”
I’d take it one step further: She doesn’t exist, and pretending she does is a double-edged sword. Believing that environmental damage is equivalent to hurting one’s own mother may militate towards responsibility for some.  For others, however, the belief that the Earth is in possession of an active self-healing mechanism could provide an excuse to act irresponsibly.
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One comment on “Chatting About Mother Nature
  1. Mother Nature may be able to bounce back, but we can’t. If humans die out, there is almost no chance of humans ever returning! The environment will have changed so dramatically due to global warming that even if evolution is real, the primates will evolve into something different to be able to live in the extreme heat and the horrid weather patterns that global warming will cause!